FASTA File – What is .fasta file and how to open it?


FASTA File Extension

FASTA Sequence File – file format by David J. Lipman and William R. Pearson

FASTA (FASTA Sequence File) is a text-based format for representing either nucleotide sequences or amino acid sequences, developed by Lipman and Pearson.

What is a FASTA File?

A FASTA file is a text-based format for representing biological sequences, such as DNA, RNA, or proteins. It was developed in the 1980s by David J. Lipman and William R. Pearson as a way to store and exchange sequence data. FASTA files are widely used in bioinformatics for a variety of tasks, including sequence alignment, phylogenetic analysis, and genome annotation.

Structure of a FASTA File

A FASTA file consists of a series of sequence records. Each record begins with a line that starts with a greater-than sign (>), followed by a sequence identifier. The identifier is typically a brief description of the sequence, such as the organism name, gene name, or accession number. The rest of the record consists of the sequence itself, which is broken up into lines of 60 characters each.

Opening FASTA Files using Command Line Tools:

FASTA files can be opened and manipulated using command-line tools, such as the SeqKit toolset. SeqKit provides a variety of commands specifically designed for handling FASTA files. For example, the following command opens a FASTA file and prints its contents to the console:

seqkit seq -f fasta <input.fasta>

To view the contents of a FASTA file in a tabular format, use the following command:

seqkit tab -f fasta <input.fasta>

For more advanced operations, SeqKit also provides commands for extracting sequences, converting file formats, and performing sequence analysis.

Opening FASTA Files in Text Editors and Bioinformatics Software:

FASTA files can also be opened in text editors, such as Notepad++, Sublime Text, or Atom. These editors allow you to view the raw sequence data and make basic edits. However, for more complex analysis and manipulation, it is recommended to use specialized bioinformatics software, such as BioEdit, Geneious, or MEGA. These software packages provide a range of features designed for handling and analyzing biological sequences, including FASTA files. They offer graphical interfaces, sequence visualization tools, alignment algorithms, and various other functionalities for working with FASTA data.

Origins of FASTA File Format:

The FASTA file format was created by David J. Lipman and William R. Pearson in 1985 for the FASTA software package. FASTA, short for Fast Alignment Search Tool, is a sequence alignment algorithm that searches for similarities between DNA or protein sequences. The FASTA file format serves as a convenient and standardized way to store and exchange these sequences for analysis and comparison.

Features and Structure of FASTA Files:

A FASTA file is a text file that contains a collection of biological sequences, typically DNA or protein sequences. Each sequence begins with a FASTA header line, denoted by a greater-than sign (“>”) followed by a sequence identifier. The identifier typically provides information about the sequence’s origin, such as its species, gene, or organism. The sequence itself is then presented in plain text on subsequent lines. FASTA files can also include comment lines, which start with a semicolon (“;”), providing additional annotations or metadata about the sequence. These features make FASTA files easy to parse and exchange, facilitating efficient handling and analysis of biological sequence data.

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