ENTITLEMENTS File – What is .entitlements file and how to open it?



Mac App Sandboxing Entitlements File – file format by Apple

The ENTITLEMENTS file is an XML-based file that contains the entitlements for a sandboxed Mac application. Entitlements are special permissions that allow an application to access resources or perform actions that would otherwise be restricted by the sandbox.


An ENTITLEMENTS file specifies the capabilities and entitlements that an application can access when running on a Mac. Entitlements are special permissions granted by the operating system that allow an application to perform certain tasks, such as accessing files in protected directories or using system resources. By default, applications are restricted from accessing certain parts of the system for security reasons. The ENTITLEMENTS file allows developers to request specific entitlements that their application needs in order to function properly.

The ENTITLEMENTS file is an XML-based file that contains a list of entitlements and their corresponding values. Each entitlement is identified by a unique key, and the value can be either a Boolean (true or false), a string, or an array of strings. For example, the following entitlement allows an application to access the user’s keychain:


Once the ENTITLEMENTS file is created, it must be included in the application bundle. This can be done by adding the file to the bundle’s Info.plist file, or by using the codesign command to sign the bundle with the entitlements. Once the application is signed, the entitlements will be enforced by the operating system when the application is run.

ENTITLEMENTS files are an important part of Mac app development. They allow developers to request specific permissions that their application needs, and they help to ensure that applications are only able to access the resources that they need to function.

Opening ENTITLEMENTS Files on macOS

ENTITLEMENTS files are used in macOS to specify the capabilities that an application is allowed to access. They are written in XML format and can be opened using any text editor, such as TextEdit or BBEdit.

To open an ENTITLEMENTS file, simply double-click on it in the Finder. This will open the file in TextEdit. You can then view and edit the file’s contents.


When editing an ENTITLEMENTS file, it is important to be careful not to make any mistakes. Errors in the file can prevent your application from running properly.

If you are unsure how to edit an ENTITLEMENTS file, it is best to consult with a developer who is familiar with macOS App Sandboxing.

Sandboxing is a security feature in macOS that restricts the capabilities of applications. This helps to protect users from malware and other threats. ENTITLEMENTS files are used to define the sandbox permissions for an application.

Purpose and Functionality

The ENTITLEMENTS file, exclusive to macOS, serves a pivotal role in app sandboxing, a security mechanism that restricts apps’ access to system resources and user data. It contains a property list that specifies the entitlements granted to the app, effectively defining its capabilities and permissions within the sandbox. These entitlements govern access to specific resources, such as files, network connections, and hardware devices. By explicitly defining the necessary entitlements, developers can ensure that apps operate within a secure and well-defined environment.

Structure and Syntax

The ENTITLEMENTS file adheres to a standardized property list format, resembling XML or JSON. It consists of a hierarchy of keys and values, where keys represent specific entitlements, and values determine the extent of access granted. Each key is mapped to a boolean value or a nested dictionary providing more granular control over permissions. For instance, the “com.apple.security.files.user-selected.read-write” entitlement governs the app’s ability to read and write to user-selected files. Developers must carefully consider the necessary entitlements and configure them accordingly to ensure the app’s functionality while maintaining a secure environment. The absence of an entitlement explicitly denies the associated permission, enforcing strict control over app behavior.

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