EJS File – What is .ejs file and how to open it?


EJS File Extension

Embedded JavaScript Template – file format by EJS

EJS is a simple templating language that lets you generate HTML markup with plain JavaScript. It can be used to generate views for web applications, emails, reports, or any other type of text-based content.

Embedded JavaScript Template (EJS)

An EJS file is a server-side rendering template that allows developers to dynamically generate HTML content using JavaScript code. This file extension was developed by EJS and is commonly used in web development to separate the logic and presentation layers of an application. EJS files combine HTML markup with JavaScript expressions, enabling developers to create interactive and dynamic web pages efficiently.

The JavaScript code embedded within EJS allows developers to perform various tasks such as conditional rendering, data looping, and manipulating variables. This approach provides flexibility and control over the generated HTML content, making it suitable for building complex and data-driven web pages. EJS files are often used in conjunction with Express.js, a popular web framework for Node.js, simplifying the process of rendering web pages.

Installing EJS (Embedded JavaScript Templates)

To open an EJS file, you’ll need to have EJS installed on your system. EJS is a templating engine used to generate HTML content dynamically. You can install it using the following command:

npm install ejs

Opening and Rendering EJS Files

Once EJS is installed, you can open and render EJS files using a text editor or IDE. Here’s how:

  1. Create an EJS File: Create a new file with the extension .ejs and save it.

  2. Write EJS Code: Inside the EJS file, you can write EJS code to generate HTML dynamically. EJS uses a syntax similar to HTML, with special tags (<% %>, <%# %>, etc.) to execute JavaScript code and render data.

  3. Render the EJS File: To render the EJS file, you can use the ejs module. Here’s an example using Node.js:

const ejs = require(‘ejs’);
const fs = require(‘fs’);

const template = fs.readFileSync(‘template.ejs’, ‘utf-8’);
const data = {
title: ‘My Title’,
content: ‘My Content’

const renderedHtml = ejs.render(template, data);

  1. View the Rendered HTML: The renderedHtml variable now contains the HTML generated by the EJS file. You can display it in a browser by saving it to a file or using a web framework.

What is EJS?

Embedded JavaScript Template (EJS) is a simple templating language that allows developers to use JavaScript to generate HTML code. It is designed to be easy to use, with a syntax that is similar to HTML. EJS templates are compiled into JavaScript functions, which can then be called to generate HTML code. This makes EJS a good choice for creating dynamic web applications that need to generate HTML code on the fly.

Benefits of Using EJS

EJS offers a number of benefits over other templating languages, including:

  • Ease of use: EJS has a simple syntax that is similar to HTML, making it easy to learn and use.
  • Flexibility: EJS can be used to generate HTML code for a variety of purposes, including web pages, emails, and reports.
  • Extensibility: EJS can be extended with custom functions and filters, making it a powerful tool for creating complex templating solutions.

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