DOK File – What is .dok file and how to open it?


DOK File Extension

DesktopOK Icons Layout File – file format by SoftwareOK

DOK (DesktopOK Icons Layout File) is a file format created by the software DesktopOK. It stores the location of icons on the desktop, allowing users to save and restore icon layouts, even after a system restart or a change in screen resolution.

DOK File Properties

A DOK file is a settings file associated with DesktopOK, a software program developed by SoftwareOK. It contains information about the layout of desktop icons, such as their position, size, and visibility. DOK files allow users to create and save custom desktop icon layouts, which can be easily restored or applied to different computers. This feature is particularly useful for users who frequently need to rearrange their desktop icons or want to maintain a consistent icon layout across multiple systems.

Usage and Benefits

DOK files are typically created and edited using the DesktopOK software. Users can manually adjust the icon layout or use the program’s automated features to optimize the icon arrangement based on various criteria, such as icon size, spacing, and alignment. By saving the icon layout as a DOK file, users can quickly recall and apply the same arrangement to different desktops or computers. This can save time and effort in reorganizing and customizing desktop icons, ensuring a consistent and organized work environment.

Opening a DOK file

DesktopOK Icons Layout File (.DOK) is a proprietary file format used by DesktopOK, a software application for managing desktop icons on Windows operating systems. It stores information about the layout and settings of desktop icons, including their positions, sizes, and other attributes. To open a DOK file, you will need the DesktopOK software installed on your computer.

Once DesktopOK is installed, you can open a DOK file by double-clicking on it. DesktopOK will automatically load the file and apply the stored icon layout to your desktop. You can also open a DOK file by launching DesktopOK and selecting the “File > Open” option. This will open a file explorer window where you can navigate to and select the DOK file you want to open.

DOK File Format

A DesktopOK Icons Layout File (.DOK) is a binary file format used by DesktopOK, a Windows application that allows users to save and restore the layout of desktop icons. The DOK file stores the positions, sizes, and other properties of all icons on the desktop, allowing users to easily restore their preferred icon arrangement after making changes or restoring a system backup. The file is a binary format, meaning that it is not human-readable and can only be processed by DesktopOK.

Uses of DOK Files

DOK files are primarily used for managing the layout of desktop icons. Users can create a DOK file to save the current desktop icon layout, allowing them to restore it later if necessary. This is particularly useful when making major changes to the desktop, such as installing new software or changing the screen resolution. DOK files can also be used to share desktop icon layouts with others, allowing them to replicate the same icon arrangement on their own computers. Additionally, DOK files can be used as a backup of the desktop icon layout in case of system crashes or data loss.

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