DOCKERIGNORE File – What is .dockerignore file and how to open it?



Docker Ignore File – file format by Docker

DOCKERIGNORE is a file used by Docker to specify which files and directories should be ignored when building a Docker image. It is similar to the .gitignore file used by Git for version control.

What is a DOCKERIGNORE File?

A DOCKERIGNORE file is a plain text file used in Docker projects to specify which files and directories should be excluded when building a Docker image. It is similar to the .gitignore file used in version control systems like Git, but specifically tailored for Docker. By excluding unnecessary files from the image, DOCKERIGNORE helps reduce the size and complexity of the image, making it more efficient to build, deploy, and manage.

The DOCKERIGNORE file works by specifying exclusion patterns using the same syntax as .gitignore. Common patterns include excluding files that contain sensitive data, intermediate build artifacts, or large binary files that are not needed in the final image. By excluding these files, developers can ensure that the image contains only the essential files and dependencies required for the application to run.

What is a DOCKERIGNORE File?

A DOCKERIGNORE file is a configuration file used with Docker, a platform for developing, shipping, and running applications in containers. It serves a similar purpose to the .gitignore file used in Git, which specifies patterns for files and directories that should be excluded from a Docker image. By creating a DOCKERIGNORE file, developers can exclude unnecessary files and directories from being included in the image, reducing its size and optimizing its performance.


A DOCKERIGNORE file can be opened using any text editor, such as Notepad, Sublime Text, or Visual Studio Code. To open the file, navigate to the directory where it is located and double-click on its icon. Alternatively, you can use the command line to open the file. In the terminal window, navigate to the directory and type the following command:


This will open the DOCKERIGNORE file in the default text editor associated with your operating system. Once it is open, you can view and edit the contents of the file.

Purpose and Function of .DOCKERIGNORE

The .DOCKERIGNORE file is utilized in Docker builds to specify patterns of files and directories that should be excluded during the build process. Its primary purpose is to optimize build performance and reduce the size of Docker images. By excluding unnecessary files, the build process becomes faster and the resulting image is leaner and more efficient. The .DOCKERIGNORE file is similar in concept to the widely used .gitignore file in version control systems, but specifically tailored for Docker builds.

Syntax and Usage

The .DOCKERIGNORE file follows a simple syntax. Each line in the file represents a pattern that matches files or directories to be excluded. Patterns can utilize wildcards () to match any number of characters and question marks (?) to match a single character. For example, the pattern “/logs/” would exclude all files and directories within any subdirectory named “logs”. The .DOCKERIGNORE file is typically placed in the root directory of the build context, where the Dockerfile is located. During the build process, Docker reads the .DOCKERIGNORE file and excludes any matching files or directories from the build. This can significantly reduce the time it takes to build the image and ensures that only necessary files are included, leading to a more optimized and efficient Docker image.

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