DITAVAL File – What is .ditaval file and how to open it?


DITAVAL File Extension

DITA Conditions File – file format by International Standards Organization

DITAVAL (DITA Conditions File) is an XML-based file extension developed by the International Standards Organization (ISO) to store conditions and constraints on content. It allows content developers to specify conditions under which specific content elements should be presented or processed.

Definition of a DITAVAL File

A DITAVAL file is an XML document that contains conditions used in DITA processing. It can be used to set conditions on the inclusion or exclusion of topics, the display of conditional text, and the application of styles. DITAVAL files provide a way to customize DITA content for specific purposes or target audiences.

Use of DITAVAL Files

DITAVAL files are typically used in conjunction with DITA maps and topic files. When a DITA map is processed, the processor checks the DITAVAL file to determine which topics should be included or excluded. The processor can also use the DITAVAL file to determine which conditional text should be displayed and which styles should be applied. By leveraging DITAVAL files, organizations can create DITA content that is tailored to their specific business requirements and user needs, enabling them to efficiently manage, reuse, and deliver targeted documentation.

Opening DITAVAL Files

DITAVAL files, an acronym for DITA Conditions File, are XML-based files that contain conditions for filtering and generating DITA content. They enable authors to specify conditional rules that determine whether specific content elements should be included or excluded based on various criteria. To open DITAVAL files, appropriate software is required.

One recommended option is the Oxygen XML Editor, a comprehensive XML editing tool that supports DITA authoring and manipulation. The Oxygen XML Editor provides a user-friendly interface for working with DITAVAL files, allowing authors to easily create, edit, and validate conditions. It also offers advanced features such as syntax highlighting, error checking, and integration with other DITA tools. Alternatively, authors can use text editors such as Notepad++ or Sublime Text to open and view DITAVAL files. However, these editors may not provide the same level of functionality and support for DITA-specific features as dedicated XML editing tools.

DITAVAL File Description

A DITAVAL file is a DITA Conditions File developed by the International Standards Organization (ISO). It contains conditions that specify when specific content in a DITA document should be included or excluded from the final output. Conditions are written in a structured language based on the XML Schema Definition (XSD) and are used to control the visibility and behavior of content based on factors such as platform, context, or target audience.

DITAVAL File Structure

A DITAVAL file typically has the following structure:

  • Header: Contains metadata about the file, such as the schema version and the conditions file language.
  • Conditions: A list of conditions organized into hierarchical groups.
  • Condition Elements: Each condition consists of a condition element (e.g., “include” or “exclude”) and a condition expression.
  • Condition Expression: A logical expression that evaluates to true or false to determine whether the condition should be applied.
  • Wildcard Elements: Used to match multiple values or attributes within a condition expression.

DITAVAL files provide a flexible and powerful way to control the content of DITA documents. They can be used to ensure that only the relevant information is included in specific outputs, reducing clutter and improving the usability of the final documents.

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