DITAMAP File – What is .ditamap file and how to open it?


DITAMAP File Extension

DITA Topic Map File – file format by OASIS

DITAMAP is an XML-based file format that defines relationships between DITA topics. It enables users to create topic maps that represent the structure and dependencies of DITA content, facilitating navigation and information retrieval.

DITAMAP File Format

A DITAMAP file is an XML document that defines a topic map for a DITA (Darwin Information Typing Architecture) document set. Topic maps are used to organize and link topics within a DITA document set, providing a hierarchical structure for navigation and content reuse. The DITAMAP file contains information about the relationships between topics, including parent-child relationships, association relationships, and dependency relationships.

DITAMAP files are typically created using the DITA Open Toolkit, a suite of tools for authoring and processing DITA documents. The DITA Open Toolkit provides a command-line interface for creating DITAMAP files, as well as an Eclipse-based graphical user interface for building and managing DITA document sets. Once a DITAMAP file is created, it can be used to generate a variety of output formats, including HTML, PDF, and EPUB.

Opening a DITAMAP File with Associated Software

DITAMAP files are associated with DITA (Darwin Information Typing Architecture), a standard for structuring and organizing technical information. To open a DITAMAP file, you need software that supports DITA, such as:

  • Oxygen XML Editor: A comprehensive XML editor that includes specific support for DITA.
  • DITA Open Toolkit: A set of command-line tools for working with DITA files.
  • Adobe FrameMaker: A professional desktop publishing application that can import and export DITA files.

Once you have installed the appropriate software, open the file using the software’s “File > Open” command. The software will parse the DITAMAP file and display its contents in a structured format, allowing you to view and edit the DITA information.

Converting a DITAMAP File to Other Formats

If you do not have access to DITA-specific software, you can convert a DITAMAP file to a more accessible format, such as HTML or PDF. To convert a DITAMAP file to HTML, use the “dita –export” command in the DITA Open Toolkit. To convert a DITAMAP file to PDF, use the “dita-ot –pdf –pdf-params” command. Both commands require you to specify the input and output files.

Once you have converted the DITAMAP file to a more accessible format, you can open it using standard software, such as a web browser (for HTML files) or a PDF reader (for PDF files). This allows you to view and print the DITA information without the need for specialized software.


A DITAMAP file (DITA Topic Map File) is an XML-based file that describes the relationships between topics in a DITA (Darwin Information Typing Architecture) content set. It provides a roadmap for navigating and understanding the structure and organization of the content, enhancing the usability and discoverability of information. DITAMAP files are commonly used in technical documentation, manuals, and other information-heavy materials.

DITAMAP files utilize XML syntax to define topic relationships, including child-parent hierarchies, cross-references, and dependencies. This allows for the creation of complex and interconnected topic structures. By providing a clear and structured overview of the content, DITAMAP files facilitate efficient navigation and help users quickly locate relevant information. Additionally, DITAMAP files can be used for generating table of contents, indexes, and other navigational aids, improving the overall user experience.

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