DIST File – What is .dist file and how to open it?


DIST File Extension

Mac OS X Distribution Script – file format by Apple

DIST is a file extension for distribution scripts utilized by macOS. These scripts automate the process of creating, packaging, and distributing software applications for macOS. They specify the application’s components, metadata, and deployment configurations.

The DIST File Format

A DIST file is a type of Unix script used to distribute software packages on Mac OS X. It contains a series of commands that are executed by the terminal when the file is run. DIST files are typically created using the “packagemaker” utility, which is included with Xcode.

The format of a DIST file is as follows:




This script is a distribution script for the package “MyPackage”.


Copyright (c) 2017 Your Name


Set the name of the package.


Set the version of the package.


Set the description of the package.

PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION=”This package contains the MyPackage application.”

Set the path to the package’s resources.


Build the package.


Install the package.

installer -pkg “$PACKAGE_NAME.pkg” -target /

The packagemaker utility will use the information in the DIST file to create a package file (.pkg) that can be installed on Mac OS X.

Using DIST Files

To use a DIST file, you must first save it to your computer. Once you have saved the file, you can run it by double-clicking on it. The terminal will open and the commands in the file will be executed.

DIST files can be used to distribute a variety of different types of software, including applications, libraries, and frameworks. They are a convenient way to package and distribute software on Mac OS X.

What is a DIST File?

A DIST file is a distribution script used by the Mac OS X operating system. It contains instructions that define how to create a disk image or a software installer for a particular software package. DIST files are text-based and can be edited with any text editor.

How to Open a DIST File

DIST files can be opened and edited with any text editor, such as TextEdit, Sublime Text, or Atom. However, it’s important to note that DIST files are scripts and should not be directly modified unless you know what you are doing. Modifying a DIST file incorrectly can result in a broken disk image or installer.

To open a DIST file, simply open it with your preferred text editor. You will see a series of commands and instructions that define how to create the disk image or installer. You can make changes to the file if needed, but it’s recommended to exercise caution and make a backup copy of the original file before making any changes.

DIST File Format

DIST files are distribution scripts used by the Mac OS X operating system. They contain a set of instructions that are executed during the installation or uninstallation of a software package. DIST files are typically created using the PackageMaker utility, which is included with the Xcode development environment.

DIST files are text-based and can be edited with any text editor. However, it is important to note that DIST files are not human-readable and should only be modified by experienced users. The syntax of DIST files is based on the AppleScript language, and they can contain a variety of commands and directives.

Uses of DIST Files

DIST files are used to distribute software packages in a variety of ways. They can be used to create self-installing packages that can be distributed via the internet or on physical media. DIST files can also be used to create packages that can be installed through the Mac App Store.

In addition to distributing software, DIST files can also be used to perform other tasks, such as:

  • Creating and managing user accounts
  • Configuring system settings
  • Installing and uninstalling applications
  • Copying files and directories
  • Running scripts and commands

DIST files are a powerful tool for distributing software and performing other tasks on Mac OS X systems. However, it is important to understand the syntax of DIST files and to use them only as directed.

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