CXR File – What is .cxr file and how to open it?


CXR File Extension

FMAT Plate Results File – file format by Applied Biosystems

CXR is the file extension for FMAT Plate Results File, a proprietary format created by Applied Biosystems. It stores results obtained from a microfluidic amplification chip (μFAC) called Fluidigm BioMark.

CXR File Format and Purpose

A CXR file is a structured text file format used by Applied Biosystems, a leading provider of life science research instruments and reagents. It serves as a container for quantitative plate-based assay results generated by Applied Biosystems’ fluorescence microplate reader instruments, such as the Victor series and QuantStudio. The CXR format defines a standardized method for storing and exchanging raw and processed experimental data obtained from experiments conducted on microplates.

The CXR file format is designed to capture various aspects of assay results, including plate layout information, sample identifiers, fluorescence measurements, quality control parameters, and data analysis results. It allows researchers to easily document and share their experimental data with colleagues and collaborators. Additionally, the CXR format is supported by various downstream analysis software packages and databases, facilitating seamless integration with other bioinformatic tools and resources.

CXR File Format

A CXR file is a binary file format used by Applied Biosystems’ CytoFLEX LX flow cytometer to store plate results data. It contains information about the samples and experiments run on the cytometer, including cell population data, sample metadata, and instrument settings. CXR files are typically generated and opened using Applied Biosystems’ FlowJo software, which is a data analysis and visualization platform for flow cytometry data.

Opening CXR Files

To open a CXR file, you will need to use compatible software such as FlowJo or other third-party software designed to handle flow cytometry data. Here are the general steps on how to open a CXR file:

  1. Install the appropriate software on your computer. FlowJo is widely used and recommended, but you may also explore other options that support the CXR format.
  2. Locate the CXR file on your computer.
  3. Launch the software and open the file using the “File” menu or the “Open” button.
  4. Once the file is opened, you should be able to view and analyze the plate results data, including cell population data, sample metadata, and instrument settings.

CXR File Format: Purpose and Development

CXR files, also known as FMAT Plate Results Files, serve a specific purpose within the field of molecular biology. They are integral to the Applied Biosystems MicroSeq ID system, which automates the identification and analysis of microorganisms. These files contain raw data generated during the MicroSeq ID process, providing a comprehensive record of the tests performed and their corresponding results. By leveraging the CXR format, researchers can seamlessly transfer and store this valuable data for further analysis and interpretation.

CXR File Structure and Interpretation

The structure of a CXR file adheres to a standardized format, ensuring compatibility with the MicroSeq ID system. Upon opening the file, users encounter a series of sections, each containing specific information related to the plate results. The header section provides general data such as the plate ID, run date, and instrument used. The sample section lists the samples analyzed, including their names, IDs, and any relevant annotations. The assay section details the assays performed on each sample, along with their respective parameters and results. Finally, the results section presents the overall interpretation of the assay results, assigning each sample to a specific microbial species or group. By understanding the structure and content of a CXR file, researchers can effectively access and utilize the stored information for various downstream applications.

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