CSHTML File – What is .cshtml file and how to open it?


CSHTML File Extension

ASP.NET Razor Webpage – file format by Microsoft

CSHTML is a file extension used by ASP.NET Razor Webpages, a server-side web development framework developed by Microsoft. It allows for the creation of dynamic web pages using a combination of HTML and C# code, providing a concise and efficient way to develop web applications.

CSHTML File: Definition and Overview

A CSHTML file, an abbreviation for “C# HTML,” is an ASP.NET Razor Webpage file that combines HTML markup with server-side code written in C# programming language. These files are commonly used in ASP.NET Core web applications, where they create dynamic and interactive web pages. The .cshtml extension indicates that the file contains both HTML and Razor code, which is processed by the Razor engine at runtime to generate the final HTML output that is sent to the client browser.

CSHTML File Structure and Functionality

CSHTML files typically consist of a blend of HTML code, which defines the structure and layout of the web page, and Razor syntax, which enables the inclusion of server-side logic and dynamic content. Razor code is embedded within HTML using the @ symbol, allowing developers to access data, perform calculations, and manipulate the content of the page dynamically. CSHTML files support a range of features, including data binding, model binding, control flow statements, and the ability to render reusable Razor components. This combination of HTML and server-side code facilitates the creation of robust and data-driven web pages that respond to user input and adapt to different scenarios.

Using a Text Editor or IDE

To open a CSHTML file using a text editor or Integrated Development Environment (IDE), follow these steps:

  1. Install a text editor or IDE that supports web development, such as Microsoft Visual Studio, Sublime Text, or Atom.
  2. Create a new project or open an existing project in the editor or IDE.
  3. Navigate to the directory where the CSHTML file is located and select the file.
  4. The file will open in the editor or IDE, displaying the HTML, C#, and Razor syntax.

Using a Web Browser

If you wish to view the rendered HTML output of a CSHTML file without opening it in an editor, you can use a web browser:

  1. Ensure that the CSHTML file is located on a web server or in a local directory accessible by the browser.
  2. Enter the URL or file path into the browser’s address bar, e.g., “http://localhost:5000/Home/Index.cshtml” or “file:///C:/Users/user/Desktop/Index.cshtml”.
  3. The browser will request the CSHTML file from the server or file system and render the HTML output, displaying it in the browser window.

Overview of CSHTML Files

CSHTML files, denoted by the “.CSHTML” file extension, are integral to ASP.NET Core MVC, a popular framework for building web applications in the .NET ecosystem. These files serve as templates for dynamically generating HTML markup and are often used in combination with the Razor syntax, a lightweight templating engine. The Razor syntax enables seamless integration of C# code within HTML code, allowing developers to create interactive and data-driven web pages.

Structure and Syntax

CSHTML files typically consist of a combination of HTML markup and Razor syntax, with the latter denoted by the “@” symbol followed by C# code. The Razor syntax provides various features, including:

  • Model Binding: Explicitly defining the data model associated with the view.
  • Code Blocks: Encapsulating C# code for data manipulation or logic.
  • Conditional Statements: Controlling the flow of HTML rendering based on conditions.
  • Loops and Iterations: Dynamically generating HTML elements based on data collections.

By leveraging these features, developers can create sophisticated web pages that respond to user input and present dynamic content based on underlying data models and business logic.

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