CONTROLS File – What is .controls file and how to open it?


CONTROLS File Extension

OpenBVE Keyboard Shortcuts File – file format by OpenBVE

CONTROLS is a file extension associated with OpenBVE Keyboard Shortcuts File developed by OpenBVE. It stores keyboard shortcuts for controlling the simulated train in the OpenBVE train simulator.

Concept and Functionality

A CONTROLS file, denoted by the file extension .CONTROLS, is an essential component of OpenBVE, a train simulator software. It serves as the primary means of configuring keyboard shortcuts and control bindings within the simulation environment. The CONTROLS file allows users to customize their gameplay experience by altering the default keyboard assignments for various functions, ensuring optimal control and immersion during gameplay.

Structure and Syntax

The CONTROLS file consists of plain text content that follows a specific syntax. It comprises a series of lines, each representing a distinct control binding. These lines consist of three core elements: the key, which designates the keyboard key to be used; the action, specifying the in-game function or command to be triggered by the key; and the parameter, which provides additional context or configuration options for the action. The syntax and formatting of the CONTROLS file are crucial for its proper interpretation and execution within OpenBVE.

What is an OpenBVE Keyboard Shortcuts File (.CONTROLS)?

An OpenBVE Keyboard Shortcuts File (.CONTROLS) houses custom keyboard shortcuts used in the OpenBVE train simulator. OpenBVE is an open-source simulation program that allows users to operate virtual trains on realistic routes. The CONTROLS file stores user-defined shortcut key combinations that correspond to specific in-game actions, such as controlling train speed, applying brakes, or changing camera perspectives. By customizing these shortcuts, users can enhance their gameplay experience and tailor the simulation to their preferences.

How to Open a CONTROLS File

To access the CONTROLS file, locate it in the OpenBVE installation directory. Typically, this is found under “C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenBVE\Data\Controls.” Open the file using a text editor such as Notepad or Sublime Text. The CONTROLS file is a plain text document formatted in a simple key-value structure. Each line represents a shortcut assignment, where the left-hand side specifies the key combination (e.g., “Ctrl+B”) and the right-hand side defines the corresponding action (e.g., “Toggle Brake”). To modify existing shortcuts or add new ones, simply edit or add lines to the file, ensuring that the format is consistent. Save the changes and restart OpenBVE to apply the customized controls.

OpenBVE Keyboard Shortcuts File (CONTROLS)

CONTROLS is a file format primarily used by OpenBVE, a train simulator software. It stores keyboard shortcuts and configurations for various train controls within the simulation. The file contains a series of commands and parameters that define the functionality assigned to specific keys on the user’s keyboard. It allows users to customize their control settings for a more realistic and immersive simulation experience.

The CONTROLS file is typically located in the “Controls” subdirectory within the OpenBVE installation folder. It is a plaintext file that can be modified using a text editor. Each line in the file represents a specific control function, such as braking, accelerating, or changing the camera view. The syntax follows a simple format, consisting of a keyboard key (e.g., “F1”) followed by a colon (“:”) and the corresponding command (e.g., “B: Toggle Brake”). Users can add, modify, or remove control bindings as needed, allowing them to fine-tune their keyboard layout for optimal efficiency and control over the trains in the simulation.

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