COMPRESSED File – What is .compressed file and how to open it?


COMPRESSED File Extension

WordCompress Compacted Webpage – file format by WordCompress

COMPRESSED is a file extension introduced by WordCompress for its online service that compresses HTML files by removing unnecessary code and comments. The result is a smaller file size, which can improve website loading times.


The .COMPRESSED file extension is associated with WordCompress Compacted Webpage. WordCompress is a compression and decompression tool designed for webpages. It reduces the size of webpages by eliminating unnecessary elements, such as whitespace, comments, and duplicate data. This optimization process enhances webpage loading speed and bandwidth efficiency. .COMPRESSED files contain compressed webpages that are typically much smaller than their original uncompressed counterparts.

Usage and Advantages

.COMPRESSED files are primarily used to distribute optimized webpages that can be loaded quickly and efficiently. They are commonly employed by website owners to improve the performance of their online content. Web designers can use WordCompress to optimize their webpages and reduce their file size, resulting in faster loading times and a better user experience. Additionally, .COMPRESSED files can be beneficial for users with limited bandwidth or slow internet connections, as they can download and view optimized webpages more quickly.

Opening COMPRESSED Files

COMPRESSED files are created by WordCompress, a compression tool that primarily compacts web pages. These files contain a compressed version of an HTML web page, including its associated images, scripts, and other resources. To open a COMPRESSED file, you will need a decompression software program that supports the WordCompress format. Notable programs that can handle this task include WordCompress itself, 7-Zip, or PeaZip.

Once you have the appropriate decompression software installed, follow these steps to open a COMPRESSED file:

  1. Locate the COMPRESSED file on your computer.
  2. Right-click on the file and select the “Extract” or “Decompress” option.
  3. Choose a destination folder where you want to extract the contents of the file.
  4. Click on the “Extract” or “Decompress” button.

The decompression process will typically take a few seconds to complete. Once the process is finished, you will have access to the extracted files, including the HTML web page and any associated resources.

WordCompress Compacted Webpage (.COMPRESSED)

The .COMPRESSED file extension is used by WordCompress to store compacted webpages. WordCompress is a software program that allows users to compress and decompress webpages, reducing their file size and making them easier to transmit over the internet. COMPRESSED files are typically stored in a ZIP format and can be opened with any ZIP-compatible program.

When a webpage is compacted, WordCompress removes unnecessary elements such as images, CSS, and JavaScript, while preserving the main content of the page. This can result in a significant reduction in file size, without compromising the readability or functionality of the webpage. COMPRESSED files are particularly useful for sending webpages via email or sharing them on social media, as they can significantly reduce the amount of data that needs to be transmitted.

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