COF File – What is .cof file and how to open it?


COF File Extension

MPLAB COFF File – file format by Microchip Technology

COF is a Common Object File Format (COFF) file used by MPLAB, an integrated development environment for microcontrollers from Microchip Technology. It contains executable code, data, and debugging information.

COF File Format

A COF (MPLAB COFF File) is a file format used by Microchip Technology’s MPLAB development environment. It is a COFF (Common Object File Format) file, which is a standard file format for relocatable object code. COF files contain the compiled machine code, symbol table, and other information necessary for linking and loading into memory.

COF files are typically generated by the MPLAB C compiler or assembler. They can be linked together using the MPLAB linker to create an executable file that can be programmed into a Microchip microcontroller. COF files can also be debugged using the MPLAB debugger. COF files are essential for developing and debugging embedded systems using Microchip microcontrollers.

COF File Format and Structure

COF (MPLAB COFF File) is a file format used by the MPLAB integrated development environment (IDE) from Microchip Technology. It stores compiled code and other information related to embedded software applications. COF files are generated during the build process and contain object code, debug symbols, and linking information. The COF format is based on the COFF (Common Object File Format), which is widely used in various operating systems and development environments.

Opening COF Files

To open a COF file, you will need software that supports the COF format. This can include:

  • MPLAB IDE: The official development environment from Microchip Technology, which includes support for opening, editing, and compiling COF files.
  • Other IDEs: Some other IDEs, such as Eclipse and Code Composer Studio, may also support COF files with the appropriate plugins or extensions.
  • Hex editors: COF files can also be opened with hex editors, which allow you to view and edit the raw data in the file. However, this approach is not recommended for understanding or modifying the code within the COF file.


A MPLAB COFF file is a binary file format used by Microchip Technology’s MPLAB development environment for storing compiled code. It is based on the Common Object File Format (COFF) specification, which is an industry-standard format for representing object code. MPLAB COFF files contain machine code, symbol tables, and other metadata necessary for linking and loading the code into memory. They are typically generated by the MPLAB C compiler and assembler and are used as input to the MPLAB linker to create executable files.

Structure and Usage

MPLAB COFF files have a well-defined structure that includes a header, sections, and a symbol table. The header contains general information about the file, such as the file size, the target processor, and the compiler version. Sections contain the actual machine code and data, while the symbol table provides a mapping between symbolic names and their corresponding memory addresses. When linking multiple object files together, the linker uses the symbol table to resolve external references and create a single executable file. MPLAB COFF files are essential for the development and deployment of embedded software on Microchip microcontrollers and are widely used in various industries, including automotive, medical, and telecommunications.

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