CLKM File – What is .clkm file and how to open it?


CLKM File Extension

Clicker Matching Set File – file format by Crick Software

CLKM is a file extension associated with Clicker Matching Set File, a format used by Crick Software’s Clicker program for creating and organizing matching activities for students with special educational needs or language impairments.

CLKM File Format

A CLKM file is a Clicker Matching Set File created using Clicker 7, an assistive technology software designed for individuals with learning difficulties. It is primarily used for creating and managing sets of matching activities and games within the Clicker software. These activities typically involve matching images, words, or concepts to promote cognitive skills, language development, and problem-solving abilities.

The CLKM file format stores the configuration and content of a Clicker Matching Set. It includes information such as the number of items in the set, the type of matching activity, the images or text used, and any associated audio or video clips. Additionally, the file may contain settings for difficulty level, feedback options, and other parameters to customize the matching experience for different users. When opened in Clicker 7, the CLKM file loads the matching set into the software, allowing users to interact with the activities and track their progress.

Opening CLKM Files

CLKM files are primarily associated with Clicker, an assistive technology software suite designed to support individuals with disabilities in communication, learning, and access. Within Clicker, these files serve as Clicker Matching Set Files, containing a collection of images and their corresponding auditory cues.

To open a CLKM file, you will require Clicker software installed on your computer. Once installed, you can open the file directly through Clicker by navigating to the “File” menu and selecting “Open.” Alternatively, you can double-click on the CLKM file in your file explorer, which will automatically launch Clicker and open the file.

After opening the CLKM file, you can access the images and auditory cues contained within. Clicker provides various options for interacting with the matching sets, allowing users to explore the images, listen to the sounds, and complete matching activities.

CLKM File Overview

A CLKM file, an acronym for Clicker Matching Set File, serves as a data storage format for matching sets created using Crick Software’s Clicker software. Designed specifically for use within Clicker, these files encapsulate matching sets, which are interactive educational activities that engage students in matching pairs of images, words, or other elements. By providing a structured framework for creating and sharing matching sets, CLKM files enhance the accessibility and adaptability of educational content for various learning environments.

Usage and Compatibility

CLKM files play a pivotal role within Clicker’s ecosystem of educational tools. They are primarily used by teachers and educators to create matching sets that cater to specific learning objectives and student needs. These matching sets can encompass a wide range of topics, from vocabulary building to science concepts, allowing for flexible customization to align with different curriculum requirements. CLKM files are seamlessly compatible with Clicker, ensuring smooth integration into existing educational workflows and enabling educators to efficiently manage and deliver engaging matching activities.

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