CKPT File – What is .ckpt file and how to open it?


CKPT File Extension

PyTorch Lightning Checkpoint – file format by Lightning.AI

CKPT is a file extension used by PyTorch Lightning. It stores a serialized version of a model’s state, including its weights, configuration, and optimizer information. CKPT files enable easy model checkpointing for training and resuming.

Understanding CKPT File Format

CKPT files are serialized checkpoint files used by PyTorch Lightning, a Python library for training machine learning models. They encapsulate the current state of a model, including its parameters, optimizer state, and other relevant information. CKPT files allow researchers and practitioners to save and restore their models at specific training epochs or checkpoints, enabling them to resume training later or resume from a previous state.

Utility of CKPT Files

CKPT files serve as a valuable tool for model development and optimization. They facilitate the following capabilities:

  • Training Resumption: CKPT files allow users to halt training and resume it later without losing their progress. This is particularly useful when dealing with long-running or resource-intensive training jobs.
  • Parameter Averaging: CKPT files can be employed for parameter averaging, where multiple models are trained independently and their checkpoints are combined to create an ensemble model. This technique often leads to improved model performance and robustness.
  • Model Comparison: CKPT files enable researchers to compare the performance of different models trained with distinct hyperparameters or data sets. By loading and evaluating checkpoints from each model, they can identify the best-performing configuration.

Opening CKPT Files in Python

To open and manipulate CKPT files in Python, you can use the PyTorch Lightning library. It provides an extension called LightningModule, which encapsulates the necessary code and functionality to train, save, and load models in the CKPT format. Here’s an example of how to open a CKPT file:

import pytorch_lightning as pl

Load the checkpoint

checkpoint = pl.Checkpoint.loadfromcheckpoint(“model.ckpt”)

Access the trained model

model = checkpoint.model

Continue training or perform inference with the loaded model


Converting CKPT Files to Other Formats

While PyTorch Lightning can directly handle CKPT files, you may encounter situations where you need to convert them to other formats, such as ONNX or TensorFlow’s SavedModel. To achieve this, you can utilize additional libraries that provide conversion capabilities. For instance, the onnxruntime library allows you to export PyTorch models to the ONNX format:

import onnxruntime

Convert the model to ONNX


Load the converted ONNX model using ONNX Runtime

ort_session = onnxruntime.InferenceSession(“model.onnx”)

Structure and Composition:

CKPT files are checkpoint files generated by PyTorch Lightning, a popular deep learning framework. These files encapsulate the essential information required to resume training or evaluate a pre-trained model. A CKPT file typically contains the model parameters, optimizer state, epoch information, and other metadata necessary for resuming the training process. The file is organized into a hierarchical directory structure, with each directory representing a different version of the model checkpoint. Within each directory, there are subdirectories and files that store the various components of the checkpoint.

Use and Applications:

CKPT files play a crucial role in training and evaluating deep learning models. They enable researchers and practitioners to save and restore the model’s state during training, allowing them to resume training from a specific point in the optimization process. Checkpoint files also facilitate the evaluation of model performance at different stages of training. By loading a checkpoint, researchers can assess the model’s accuracy and loss on a held-out validation set, providing valuable insights into the model’s performance and generalization capabilities. Additionally, CKPT files enable the transfer of pre-trained models between different platforms or users, facilitating collaboration and rapid prototyping.

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