CFC File – What is .cfc file and how to open it?


CFC File Extension

ColdFusion Component File – file format by Adobe Systems

A CFC (ColdFusion Component File) is a ColdFusion component file that contains reusable code. It is a server-side technology used to create modular and reusable code components in ColdFusion applications.

CFC File Format

A CFC file is a ColdFusion Component File, a file type that stores code written in the ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML). CFML is a programming language used to develop web applications and dynamic content for websites. CFC files are used to create reusable components that can be shared across multiple ColdFusion applications, making development more efficient and consistent.

Structure and Content

CFC files contain a combination of CFML code and markup. They typically define a component’s structure, including its properties, methods, and events. The component’s properties are variables that hold data values, while its methods are functions that perform specific actions. Events are triggered when certain conditions occur, such as when a user interacts with a component. CFC files allow developers to encapsulate related functionality into reusable components, promoting modularity and code organization.

Adobe ColdFusion Builder

To open a CFC file in Adobe ColdFusion Builder, locate the file in the project explorer or File Explorer. Right-click on the file and select “Open With” > “Adobe ColdFusion Builder” from the context menu. The CFC file will open in the ColdFusion Builder editor, allowing you to view and edit its contents.

ColdFusion Server Command-Line Interface

The ColdFusion server CLI utility cfcompile can be used to compile a CFC file. Open a command prompt or terminal and navigate to the directory containing the CFC file. Type the following command:

cfcompile -o <output file> <CFC file>

Replace <output file> with the name of the compiled CFC file and <CFC file> with the path to the CFC file. The compiled CFC file will be generated in the output directory.


  • CFC files contain ColdFusion component definitions. These definitions define a reusable set of functions, variables, and other code that can be used in ColdFusion applications.
  • Opening CFC files in a plain text editor may not provide a meaningful representation of the file’s content. It is recommended to use appropriate software such as Adobe ColdFusion Builder or the ColdFusion server CLI to interact with CFC files.

CFC Files and ColdFusion

CFC files are integral components of ColdFusion, a rapid application development platform used to create web applications. They serve as modular units that encapsulate functionality and can be reused across applications. CFC files define the structure, behavior, and data for a specific component, allowing developers to build applications efficiently.

Structure of CFC Files

CFC files follow a strict XML-based syntax. They typically contain the following elements:

  • Metadata: Includes the component’s name, author, description, and version.
  • Properties: Define the data and configuration settings associated with the component.
  • Methods: Represent the functionality of the component, containing executable code.
  • Events: Handle specific events that occur within the component.

CFC files provide a structured approach for componentizing applications, promoting code reuse, maintainability, and organization. They enable developers to create complex and interactive web applications with greater efficiency and consistency.

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