BSXC File – What is .bsxc file and how to open it?


BSXC File Extension

BimSens Component Configuration – file format by Striped Horse

BSXC (BimSens Component Configutation) is a file extension developed by Striped Horse. It is used for storing component configurations for the BimSens software, which is a tool for managing building information models (BIMs).

BSXC File Format

A BSXC file is a configuration file used by BimSens, a software application for managing the development and deployment of building energy models. The file contains settings and preferences for configuring various components within BimSens, such as the simulation engine, geometry engine, and report generator. BSXC files enable users to customize and optimize the behavior of BimSens to meet their specific project requirements.

Features and Usage

BSXC files provide a structured and convenient way to store and manage configuration settings. They are typically used in conjunction with a companion file with the extension .BSX (BimSens Schema), which defines the schema and data structure for the configuration file. The BSXC file can be edited using a text editor or the BimSens application itself. Users can configure various aspects of BimSens, including simulation parameters, geometry settings, report formats, and data exchange options. By modifying the BSXC file, users can tailor the software to specific needs, ensuring accurate and efficient modeling results.

Opening BSXC Files: Software Support

BSXC files, belonging to the BimSens Component Configuration file type, are exclusively handled by the BimSens software suite developed by Striped Horse. This specialized program is designed for automating the component configuration process within building information modeling (BIM) projects. To open and manipulate BSXC files, users must have BimSens installed on their systems.

Opening BSXC Files: Step-by-Step Instructions

Once BimSens is installed, users can open BSXC files by following these steps:

  1. Launch the BimSens application.
  2. Navigate to the “File” menu and select “Open.”
  3. In the file explorer window, locate and select the desired BSXC file.
  4. Click “Open” to load the file into BimSens.

After opening, users can access the component configuration data stored in the BSXC file. BimSens provides various tools and features for editing, modifying, and managing component configurations. The software enables users to streamline the component selection and placement process, ensuring consistency and efficiency within BIM projects.

BSXC File Format

The BSXC (BimSens Component Configuration) file is a configuration file used by the BimSens software. BimSens is a software package developed by Striped Horse that is used to create and manage building information models (BIMs). BSXC files are XML-based files that store information about the components of a BIM. This information includes the component’s name, type, size, and other properties. BSXC files are used to configure the appearance and behavior of components within a BIM.

Usage of BSXC Files

BSXC files are typically created by BimSens users when they are creating or modifying a BIM. Users can create BSXC files by selecting the component(s) they want to configure and then clicking the “Configure” button. The “Configure” button will open a dialog box where users can specify the desired configuration settings for the selected component(s). Once the settings have been specified, the user can click the “OK” button to save the changes to the BSXC file.

BSXC files are also used by the BimSens software to store information about the components that are used in a BIM. This information includes the component’s manufacturer, model number, and other data. The BimSens software uses this information to generate reports and to create visualizations of the BIM.

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