BIL File – What is .bil file and how to open it?


BIL File Extension

ESRI BIL File – file format by ESRI

A raster image file format developed by ESRI, BIL stores uncompressed imagery data with a header containing metadata. It supports various data types, including integer and floating-point values.

Definition and Composition of a BIL File

A BIL file is a raster image file format developed by ESRI, a leading geospatial software company. Its name stands for Band Interleaved by Line. This format stores georeferenced raster data, which means it contains information about the geographic location of each pixel in the image. BIL files are commonly used in GIS (Geographic Information Systems) and remote sensing applications.

The BIL file format is characterized by its band interleaving organization. Unlike other raster formats that store each band of data (e.g., red, green, blue) contiguously, a BIL file stores the bands interleaved by line. This means that each line in the file contains all the bands for that particular row of pixels. This format allows for faster access to data and can be advantageous for certain image processing operations.

Additional Features of BIL Files

In addition to its band interleaving, BIL files contain a header that provides metadata about the image, such as its dimensions, georeferencing information, and band organization. The header also includes a color map, which defines the numerical values used to represent the colors in the image. BIL files can support various data types, including signed and unsigned integers, floating-point numbers, and complex numbers. They can also be stored in different bit depths, ranging from 1-bit to 32-bit.

BIL files are primarily used in ESRI software, such as ArcGIS and QGIS, but they can also be imported into other GIS and image processing applications. They are a common file format for exchanging georeferenced imagery between different software and systems.


BIL (Band Interleaved by Line) file extension is associated with ESRI, a geographic information systems (GIS) software company. BIL files store raster data, which represents geographic information as a grid of cells. Each cell contains a value representing a measurement or a category, such as elevation, land cover, or soil type.

BIL files are commonly used for storing and processing raster data in GIS applications. They are typically generated by remote sensing satellites or other data acquisition devices. The data in BIL files can be visualized and analyzed using GIS software, allowing users to extract insights and make informed decisions about geographic data.

ESRI BIL File Format

The ESRI BIL file format, denoted by the .BIL extension, is a raster image format developed by Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI), a leading provider of geographic information system (GIS) software. It is commonly used for storing and managing raster data, such as aerial imagery, elevation models, and thematic maps, within ArcGIS and other GIS applications.

The BIL file format is a binary format that efficiently stores raster data in a compact and organized manner. It supports various data types, including 8-bit unsigned integers, 16-bit signed integers, 32-bit floating-point numbers, and complex 64-bit floating-point numbers. Additionally, BIL files can handle multiple bands or layers of raster data, making them suitable for storing multispectral or hyperspectral imagery. The format also includes metadata about the raster data, such as its coordinate system, projection information, and other descriptive attributes.

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