AWM File – What is .awm file and how to open it?


AWM File Extension

AllWebMenus Project File – file format by Likno Software

AWM (AllWebMenus Project File) is a file extension developed by Likno Software for storing AllWebMenus project files. These files contain website menu design data, including menu structure, appearance, and behavior settings.

Definition of an AWM File

An AWM file is an AllWebMenus Project File created using the AllWebMenus software developed by Likno Software. It contains all the information needed to define a website’s menu structure, including menu items, submenu items, and their associated attributes such as link destinations, icons, and hover effects. AWM files enable users to easily design and customize menus for their websites without the need for manual coding.

Key Features of AWM Files

AWM files offer several advantages for website developers:

  • Menu Structure Management: AWM files provide a hierarchical structure for organizing menu items and submenus, allowing users to create complex menu layouts with ease.
  • Customization Options: They support customization of various menu attributes, such as text formatting, colors, animation effects, and backgrounds, empowering users to match the menu to their website’s design.
  • Responsiveness: AWM files can generate responsive menus that automatically adjust their layout and functionality based on the device and screen size, ensuring a seamless user experience on all platforms.

Native Application

The primary application associated with .AWM files is AllWebMenus, a web development tool developed by Likno Software. To open an .AWM file using AllWebMenus:

  1. Ensure AllWebMenus is installed on your computer.
  2. Launch AllWebMenus.
  3. Click “File” > “Open” from the menu bar.
  4. Navigate to the location of the .AWM file.
  5. Select the .AWM file and click “Open.”

AllWebMenus will load the project contained in the .AWM file, allowing you to edit and modify the web menu design.

Online Viewer

If you do not have access to AllWebMenus, you can view .AWM files online using the AllWebMenus Viewer:

  1. Visit the AllWebMenus Viewer website at
  2. Click the “Browse…” button and select the .AWM file.
  3. Click the “View Menu” button.

The online viewer will display the web menu design contained in the .AWM file, allowing you to preview the menu without making any changes.

AWM File Format

An AWM file is a project file associated with AllWebMenus, a web-based software suite primarily utilized for generating and customizing navigation menus for websites. The file contains a collection of settings and configurations that define the appearance and functionality of a menu, including its structure, style, and behavior. Within the AWM file, various parameters can be adjusted to tailor the menu to the specific needs of the website.

Usage of AWM Files

AWM files play a crucial role in the design and implementation of navigation menus on websites. By using AllWebMenus, website creators can take advantage of a user-friendly interface to create visually appealing and functional menus. The AWM file serves as a repository for all the necessary information, allowing users to modify and customize menus without the need for extensive coding knowledge. The file facilitates quick and efficient menu creation, enabling website developers to focus on other aspects of their projects.

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