ASX File – What is .asx file and how to open it?


ASX File Extension

Microsoft ASF Redirector File – file format by Microsoft

An ASX file is a Microsoft ASF Redirector File, a plain text file that contains a list of URLs to media files, such as audio and video streams. It allows users to create a playlist of multiple media files and play them in sequence.

What is a ASX file?

An ASX file is a Microsoft ASF Redirector File. It is a text file that contains a list of one or more media files. When you open an ASX file, the media player will play the first file in the list. You can then use the media player to navigate to other files in the list.

ASX files are often used to create playlists of media files. They can also be used to create presentations that include both audio and video content. ASX files are supported by a variety of media players, including Windows Media Player, VLC Media Player, and QuickTime Player.

How to create an ASX file

To create an ASX file, you can use a text editor such as Notepad or TextEdit. You can also use a media player such as Windows Media Player or VLC Media Player.

To create an ASX file using a text editor, simply create a new text file and save it with the .ASX extension. Then, add the following lines to the file:




After the version line, you can add one or more media files to the file. Each media file should be listed on its own line, and the line should include the full path to the file. For example:




You can also add additional information to the ASX file, such as the title of the playlist or the author of the file. This information will be displayed in the media player when the file is played.

Once you have added all of the desired media files to the ASX file, save the file and close the text editor. The ASX file can now be opened in a media player.

Opening ASX Files Using Media Players

ASX (Advanced Streaming Format Redirector) files are widely used to stream audio and video content over the internet. To open and play these files, you can utilize various media players. One popular option is Windows Media Player, pre-installed on most Windows computers. To open an ASX file in Windows Media Player, simply double-click on it. Alternatively, you can right-click on the file, select “Open with,” and choose Windows Media Player from the list of options.

Other popular media players that can open ASX files include VLC Media Player, a free and open-source player compatible with multiple platforms, and Media Player Classic, another open-source player known for its simplicity and advanced features. To open an ASX file in either of these players, launch the player, click on the “File” menu, select “Open File,” and navigate to the desired ASX file. These players will stream the audio or video content specified in the ASX file, allowing you to enjoy your media.

Additional Methods for Opening ASX Files

Apart from dedicated media players, you can also use web browsers to open ASX files. This is convenient if you want to stream content directly within your browser. To do this, simply drag and drop the ASX file onto the browser window or click on the “Open File” option in the browser’s menu and select the ASX file. The browser will handle the playback of the media content, providing a seamless user experience.

Additionally, some text editors or XML editors may allow you to open and view ASX files as plain text. This can be useful for examining the file’s structure and content, although it does not enable playback of the media.

ASF Redirector File (ASX)

ASX files, developed by Microsoft, act as a playlist to manage and sequence multimedia files, such as audio and video, within the Microsoft Windows Media Player. These files provide a convenient way to organize and access multiple media items in a single location. ASX files contain references to the actual media files, including their file paths and playback settings. When opened in Windows Media Player, the ASX file directs the player to locate and play each media item in the specified order. Additionally, ASX files can include metadata such as album information, track titles, and artist names, enhancing the user experience by providing contextual information about the media files.

Technical Details and Compatibility

ASX files are based on the Extensible Markup Language (XML) and adhere to a specific syntax to define the playlist structure and media references. They utilize the ASF (Advanced Systems Format) protocol to handle the streaming and playback of the media files. ASX files are supported natively by Windows Media Player and can also be played by other media playback software that supports the ASF protocol. Users can create and edit ASX files using a text editor or dedicated software applications designed for managing playlists. It’s important to note that while ASX files are primarily associated with Windows Media Player, they may not be compatible with other multimedia platforms or devices due to codec and file format limitations.

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