ASTX File – What is .astx file and how to open it?


ASTX File Extension

Active Server Template Extended File – file format by Elanat

ASTX (Active Server Template Extended File) is a file extension developed by Elanat. It is used for Active Server Template (ASP) files that have been preprocessed and extended with additional features, such as support for custom tags and macros.

ASTX File Extension

An ASTX file is an Active Server Template Extended File used for web development. Active Server Template (ASP) is a server-side scripting technology developed by Microsoft, primarily for dynamic web pages. An ASTX file is an extension of the standard ASP file and provides additional features and functionality for creating more complex and feature-rich web applications.

ASTX files offer advantages over traditional ASP files. They support content caching, which improves performance by storing frequently accessed data for faster retrieval. Additionally, ASTX files allow for the inclusion of other files, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, which simplifies web development and enables code reusability. ASTX files are also compiled into a binary format, which enhances performance and security compared to interpreted ASP files.

Opening ASTX Files with Active Server Pages (ASP)

ASTX files are typically associated with Active Server Pages (ASP), a Microsoft technology used to create dynamic web pages. To open an ASTX file in ASP, follow these steps:

  1. Install Internet Information Services (IIS) on your computer.
  2. Create a virtual directory for your web application.
  3. Copy the ASTX file to the web application’s directory.
  4. Access the ASTX file in a web browser using the following URL format:


Replace “localhost” with your computer’s IP address or the name of the web server, and “virtual_directory” with the name of the virtual directory you created.

Alternative Methods for Opening ASTX Files

While ASP is the primary application for opening ASTX files, there are a few alternative methods:

  • Text Editors: ASTX files are essentially text files, so you can open them using any text editor, such as Notepad, Sublime Text, or Visual Studio Code. However, this will only show the raw text of the file without any formatting or functionality.
  • Specialized Tools: There are some specialized tools that can handle ASTX files, such as Microsoft Expression Web and Adobe Dreamweaver. These tools provide a more user-friendly interface and support features like editing, debugging, and previewing the rendered web pages.

ASTX File Format

ASTX files, also known as Active Server Template Extended files, are a type of web template developed by Elanat. They are used for creating dynamic web pages that can interact with a server to retrieve data and generate customized content. ASTX files are similar to ASPX (Active Server Pages) files, but they offer additional features and functionality.

ASTX files use a combination of HTML and scripting code to define the structure and content of a web page. The scripting code, typically written in VBScript or JScript, is enclosed within special tags and is executed on the server before the page is sent to the client. This allows developers to dynamically generate content based on factors such as user input, database queries, or other server-side logic.

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