ASB File – What is .asb file and how to open it?


ASB File Extension

Alphacam Stone VB Macro File – file format by Planit

ASB is a file extension for Alphacam Stone VB Macro Files, which are used by the Alphacam Stone software program developed by Planit. These files contain macros that can be used to automate tasks within the program.

Alphacam Stone VB Macro File (ASB)

.ASB files are Alphacam Stone VB Macro Files primarily used in Alphacam, a computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software specifically designed for the stone industry. These files contain Visual Basic (VB) macros that automate various tasks within the Alphacam software. VB macros are sets of instructions written in the VB programming language, which allow users to enhance the functionality of software applications by creating custom routines that can be executed on demand.

In Alphacam, ASB files provide a way to automate repetitive tasks, such as generating toolpaths, creating complex shapes, and performing calculations. By using macros, users can streamline their workflows, reduce errors, and improve productivity. These macros can be shared and reused, enabling collaboration and the exchange of best practices within the Alphacam user community. ASB files are essential for advanced users who seek to optimize their Alphacam workflow and leverage the power of automation.

Opening ASB Files in Alphacam Stone

Alphacam Stone VB Macro Files, bearing the .ASB file extension, are exclusively associated with the software of the same name developed by Planit. These files contain macros, which are pre-recorded sequences of commands and actions, that automate specific tasks within Alphacam Stone. To open an ASB file, users must have Alphacam Stone installed on their computer.

Alternative Methods for Viewing ASB Content

Alternatively, users can consider using a text editor such as Notepad++ or Sublime Text to inspect the contents of the ASB file. Since ASB files are primarily text-based, they can be opened and viewed as ASCII text. However, this approach only provides a basic understanding of the macro’s structure and does not allow for direct execution or modification. For full functionality and compatibility, it is recommended to use the intended software (Alphacam Stone) for opening and working with ASB files.

Alphacam Stone VB Macro File (ASB)

Alphacam Stone VB Macro Files (.ASB) are associated with Alphacam, a computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) and computer-aided design (CAD) software suite specifically tailored for the stoneworking industry. These files contain Visual Basic (VB) macros, which are scripts or programs written in the VB programming language. Macros are used within Alphacam to automate specific tasks, such as generating cut paths for stoneworking machinery.

The ASB file extension is primarily used with the Alphacam Stone version of the software, which is designed for the production of stone countertops, tiles, flooring, and other stone products. VB macros allow users to create custom commands, streamline repetitive tasks, and enhance the functionality of Alphacam. They can be used for various purposes, such as:

  • Creating automated processes for common operations
  • Modifying drawing parameters and settings
  • Generating complex cut paths based on specific design requirements
  • Performing calculations and formula-based operations
  • Interfacing with other software applications

Other Extensions