APPXUPLOAD File – What is .appxupload file and how to open it?


APPXUPLOAD File Extension

Windows 8 App Upload Package – file format by Microsoft

APPXUPLOAD is a file extension for Windows 8 App Upload Packages. These packages are used to upload and install apps from the Windows Store. They contain the app’s code, resources, and metadata.


An APPXUPLOAD file is a Windows 8 App Upload Package that contains the app package and related metadata required for submitting an app to the Windows Store. It is used for uploading apps to the store for distribution and publication. The APPXUPLOAD file encapsulates the app’s executable files, manifests, resources, and other necessary components. It is an important format in the app development and publishing process for Windows 8 and later versions of the Windows operating system.

APPXUPLOAD Package Structure

The APPXUPLOAD package is a compressed ZIP archive that contains the following items:

  • App package (.appx): The primary executable file of the app
  • App manifest (.xml): Describes the app’s metadata, dependencies, and capabilities
  • App resources (.resw): Internationalization and localization resources for the app
  • Other files: Icons, images, documentation, and any additional files required for the app’s operation

What is an APPXUPLOAD File?

An APPXUPLOAD file is a Windows 8 App Upload Package, used to package and upload apps to the Windows Store. It contains the app’s code, resources, and metadata, such as the app’s name, description, and version number. APPXUPLOAD files are typically compressed using the ZIP format and can be created using the Microsoft Visual Studio development environment.

How to Open an APPXUPLOAD File

To open an APPXUPLOAD file, you need to have the Windows 8 AppxUploadTool installed. This tool is part of the Windows App Certification Kit, which is available as a free download from Microsoft. Once you have installed the AppxUploadTool, you can open an APPXUPLOAD file by double-clicking on it. The AppxUploadTool will then extract the contents of the file and open the app’s manifest file in an editor. You can then view the app’s code, resources, and metadata, and make changes as needed.


An APPXUPLOAD file is a compressed package that contains an application (.APPX) file and its associated metadata. It is used to upload and install applications to devices running the Windows 8 operating system. APPXUPLOAD packages are created using the Microsoft Visual Studio development environment.

When an APPXUPLOAD package is uploaded to a device, the device extracts the .APPX file and installs the application. The metadata in the APPXUPLOAD package provides the device with information about the application, such as its name, version, publisher, and description. APPXUPLOAD files can also be used to update or uninstall applications.

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