APPLICATION File – What is .application file and how to open it?


APPLICATION File Extension

ClickOnce Deployment Manifest File – file format by Microsoft

APPLICATION is a file extension for a ClickOnce Deployment Manifest File created by Microsoft. It contains deployment information for ClickOnce applications, including the application name, version, dependencies, and security settings.


An APPLICATION file is a ClickOnce Deployment Manifest File, a type of manifest file used in deploying and installing .NET Framework applications. Created by Microsoft, it contains metadata that describes the application, including its dependencies, configuration settings, and version information. The APPLICATION file serves as a catalog of all the necessary components required for the application to run and enables users to conveniently install and update applications through a simplified user interface.

APPLICATION File Structure and Function

The APPLICATION file is an XML-based manifest that follows a structured format. It defines the application’s identity, including its name, version, and publisher. Additionally, the file contains a list of assemblies, modules, and resources that constitute the application. It specifies versioning information for each component, enabling the application to be updated independently without affecting other components. The APPLICATION file also includes configuration settings that govern the application’s behavior and deployment. The XML structure of the manifest allows for extensibility, enabling developers to add custom information to the file.

APPLICATION: ClickOnce Deployment Manifest File

APPLICATION files are ClickOnce Deployment Manifest Files developed by Microsoft. They are XML-based files that provide instructions for deploying and installing applications using ClickOnce technology. ClickOnce is a deployment mechanism that simplifies the process of distributing and updating applications on the web. It allows users to install and run applications directly from a website without the need for administrative privileges or traditional software installation.

APPLICATION files contain information about the application’s identity, version, dependencies, and installation requirements. They also specify how the application should be updated and whether it should run as a Windows Forms application or a WPF application. APPLICATION files are essential for deploying ClickOnce applications and ensuring their proper installation and execution. Without a valid APPLICATION file, a ClickOnce application cannot be deployed or installed successfully.

Purpose and Structure of APPLICATION Files

APPLICATION files serve as deployment manifests for ClickOnce applications, a technology developed by Microsoft for deploying and updating desktop applications over the web. These files define the configuration information necessary for a ClickOnce application to be successfully installed and executed on a user’s computer. They contain details such as the application’s name, version, dependencies, entry point, and security permissions. APPLICATION files are typically generated by the ClickOnce publishing process and are included in the ClickOnce deployment package.

Significance and Usage

APPLICATION files play a crucial role in the deployment and management of ClickOnce applications. They ensure that applications can be installed and updated seamlessly without requiring manual intervention or administrative privileges. By providing all the necessary configuration information, APPLICATION files enable users to easily install ClickOnce applications from a web location or a local network share. Additionally, they allow administrators to control and customize the deployment process, such as by specifying application dependencies, setting security restrictions, and configuring application updates.

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