Write-Back Cache


Write-Back Cache

Write-Back Cache is a type of computer cache that stores data in a buffer and only writes it back to main memory when necessary, reducing memory traffic and improving performance. Unlike Write-Through Cache, which writes data to main memory immediately, Write-Back Cache stores changes temporarily and flushes them later, optimizing system efficiency.

What does Write-Back Cache mean?

Write-Back Cache, also known as write-back Memory or delayed write memory, is a computer memory architecture where data written to the cache is not immediately written to the main memory. Instead, the data is marked as “dirty” and remains in the cache until it is replaced by another piece of data. When the Dirty Data is eventually replaced, it is written back to the main memory.

The main advantage of Write-Back Cache is that it can improve performance by reducing the number of writes to the main memory. This is because the cache can hold multiple writes to the same location in main memory, and only write the data back to main memory once. This can significantly reduce the amount of Time spent waiting for writes to complete, Which can lead to improved performance.


Write-Back Cache is used in a variety of applications, including:

  • Computer processors: Write-Back Cache is used in most modern computer processors to improve performance. The cache is typically organized as a hierarchy, with a small, fast cache (L1 cache) located close to the processor core, and a larger, slower cache (L2 cache) located further away. The L1 cache is typically a Write-Back Cache, while the L2 cache can be either a Write-Back Cache or a Write-Through Cache.
  • Graphics cards: Write-Back Cache is also used in graphics cards to improve performance. The cache is used to store frequently accessed data, such as textures and vertex data. By caching this data, the graphics card can avoid having to read the data from the main memory, which can lead to improved performance.
  • Solid-state drives (SSDs): Write-Back Cache is used in SSDs to improve performance. The cache is used to store frequently accessed data, such as the operating system and applications. By caching this data, the SSD can avoid having to read the data from the flash memory, which can lead to improved performance.


The concept of Write-Back Cache was first proposed by Seymour Cray in 1964. Cray was working on the CDC 6600 Supercomputer, and he realized that the performance of the computer could be improved by using a cache to store frequently accessed data. Cray’s design for the cache was a Write-Back Cache, and it was one of the first examples of this type of cache.

Write-Back Cache has since become a standard feature in most computer processors and graphics cards. The use of Write-Back Cache has helped to improve the performance of these devices by reducing the number of writes to the main memory.