Viewing Angle


Viewing Angle

Viewing angle refers to the range of angles at which a display’s image can be clearly seen without a significant loss in color accuracy or contrast. It is crucial for ensuring optimal visibility and usability of displays in various viewing conditions.

What does Viewing Angle mean?

Viewing angle is the maximum angle at which a display can be viewed without significant loss of image quality. It is typically measured in degrees, and it is important for ensuring that users can see the display clearly from a Variety of angles.

The viewing angle is determined by the type of display technology used. Liquid crystal displays (LCDs) have a narrow viewing angle, typically around 60 degrees, while plasma displays (PDPs) have a wider viewing angle, typically around 160 degrees. OLED displays have the widest viewing angle, typically around 180 degrees.

The viewing angle is also affected by the surface treatment of the display. Glossy displays have a narrower viewing angle than matte displays, because glossy displays reflect light more, which can cause glare and Make it difficult to see the display from certain angles.


Viewing angle is important in technology today because it affects the user experience for a variety of devices, including:

  • TVs: The viewing angle is important for TVs because it determines how well users can see the TV from different seating positions. A TV with a narrow viewing angle will only look good from a few specific angles, while a TV with a wide viewing angle will look good from a variety of angles.
  • Monitors: The viewing angle is important for monitors because it determines how well users can see the Monitor from different positions. A monitor with a narrow viewing angle will only look good from a few specific angles, while a monitor with a wide viewing angle will look good from a variety of angles.
  • Smartphones: The viewing angle is important for smartphones because it determines how well users can see the phone from different angles. A smartphone with a narrow viewing angle will only look good from a few specific angles, while a smartphone with a wide viewing angle will look good from a variety of angles.
  • Tablets: The viewing angle is important for tablets because it determines how well users can see the Tablet from different angles. A tablet with a narrow viewing angle will only look good from a few specific angles, while a tablet with a wide viewing angle will look good from a variety of angles.


The viewing angle of displays has improved significantly over time. Early LCDs had very narrow viewing angles, which made them difficult to use for TVs and monitors. However, as LCD technology has improved, the viewing angle has also improved. PDPs and OLED displays have even wider viewing angles than LCDs, which makes them ideal for TVs and monitors.

As the demand for high-quality displays continues to grow, the viewing angle is likely to become even more important in the future. Displays with wide viewing angles will be essential for providing users with the best possible experience.