Traveling Salesman Problem


Traveling Salesman Problem

The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is a mathematical optimization problem that asks for the most efficient route for a salesman to visit a given set of cities and return to the starting city, visiting each city only once. TSP is NP-hard, meaning that its computational complexity grows exponentially with the size of the input.

What does Traveling Salesman Problem mean?

The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is a classic problem in computer science and optimization theory that involves a salesman attempting to find the shortest tour that visits a set of cities and returns to the starting city, while visiting each city exactly once. The problem is NP-hard, meaning that no efficient algorithm is known to solve it exactly for large instances.

The TSP is often modeled as a Graph problem, where the cities are represented by nodes and the distances between them are represented by the weights of the edges. The goal is to find a Hamiltonian cycle, which is a closed Loop that visits every node exactly once and has minimum total weight.


The TSP has wide-ranging applications in various domains, including:

  • Logistics and supply chain optimization: Planning efficient routes for delivery trucks, reducing transportation costs.
  • Manufacturing and scheduling: Optimizing the sequence of tasks in a manufacturing process to minimize production time.
  • VLSI design: Placing components on integrated circuits to minimize wire length and improve performance.
  • Data analysis and visualization: Determining the optimal order for presenting data points to Maximize understanding and insight.
  • Bioinformatics: Analyzing DNA sequences and protein folding to identify patterns and correlations.


The TSP was first formulated in the 1930s by the Austrian mathematician Karl Menger. However, its origins can be traced back to an earlier puzzle known as “the knight’s tour,” which involves finding the shortest path for a knight on a chessboard to visit every square exactly once.

The TSP has been extensively studied since Menger’s initial formulation, and numerous algorithms and heuristics have been developed to solve it. These include exact algorithms such as the branch-and-bound method and approximation algorithms such as the nearest neighbor algorithm and the 2-opt heuristic.