Translation Management Software


Translation Management Software

Translation Management Software (TMS) is a tool that streamlines the translation process by centralizing tasks, automating workflows, and reducing costs. It helps manage projects, track progress, and ensure consistency and quality across translations.

What does Translation Management Software mean?

Translation Management Software (TMS) is a technology platform designed to streamline and manage the complex process of translating content from one language to another. It centralizes all translation-related operations, from project initiation and translator assignment to cost tracking and quality control. By consolidating these functions within a single software solution, TMS aims to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and ensure the accuracy and consistency of translations.

TMS encompasses a wide range of features and functionalities tailored to the specific needs of the translation industry. These include:

  • Project Management: Centralized management of translation projects, including project initiation, task allocation, and progress tracking.
  • Translation Memory and Terminology: Storage and management of previously translated content and industry-specific terminology to ensure consistency and reduce repetitive work.
  • Translator Management: Management of translator databases, assignment of projects based on language expertise and availability, and evaluation of translator performance.
  • Workflow Automation: Automation of repetitive translation tasks, such as project creation, File Sharing, and quality checks.
  • Quality Control: Integrated quality assurance tools for reviewing translations, identifying errors, and maintaining translation quality standards.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Provision of comprehensive reports on project performance, translation costs, and translator productivity.


TMS has become an indispensable tool in the modern technology landscape due to its ability to address the challenges of global communication. Its key applications include:

  • Increased Efficiency: Centralization and automation of translation processes Lead to significant efficiency gains by reducing manual labor, eliminating communication delays, and optimizing translator utilization.
  • Reduced Costs: Bulk purchasing, negotiation with vendors, and centralized project management contribute to significant cost savings by eliminating intermediaries and optimizing resource allocation.
  • Improved Quality: Consistent terminology, quality checks, and feedback loops ensure accuracy, language fidelity, and adherence to style guidelines.
  • Faster Time-to-Market: Automation and streamlined workflow enable faster translation cycles, allowing businesses to reach global audiences quickly and effectively.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: TMS facilitates collaboration among project managers, translators, and stakeholders, enabling real-time communication, feedback sharing, and efficient coordination.


The genesis of TMS can be traced back to the early days of computer-assisted translation (CAT) in the 1980s. CAT tools provided translators with BASIC text editing and translation memory functionalities. As the translation industry evolved, the need for more comprehensive management solutions became apparent.

In the late 1990s, the first true TMS solutions emerged, offering centralized project management and workflow automation. These early systems were mainly focused on large enterprise-level translation projects. However, with the advent of the internet and globalization, the demand for TMS grew rapidly among organizations of all sizes.

Over the past two decades, TMS has undergone significant advancements. Cloud-based TMS solutions, integration with other business applications, and the use of artificial intelligence (AI) have transformed the software into a robust and versatile tool that meets the complex demands of the modern translation industry.