


Time-sharing is a technique that allows multiple users to access and use the same computer system simultaneously, dividing the computer’s resources among them to create the illusion of dedicated use.

What does Time-Sharing mean?

Time-sharing is a computing concept that allows multiple users or processes to share a single computer or computing resource concurrently. This is achieved by allocating each user or process a designated time slot to utilize the processor and other resources, thus creating the illusion of having exclusive access to the computer.

Time-sharing systems are Software-based and operate on a principle called “multitasking.” The system dynamically allocates processor time and other resources to various tasks or processes based on their priority and the availability of resources. This enables multiple users to execute programs simultaneously, share data and files, and interact with the system in a responsive manner.

Time-sharing gained prominence in the 1960s with the advent of powerful mainframes and minicomputers. It revolutionized the way computing resources were utilized, facilitating resource optimization, improved system utilization, and increased user productivity. Modern-day operating systems such as Windows, macOS, and Linux also implement time-sharing capabilities, allowing multiple programs and users to run concurrently on a shared system.


Time-sharing has a wide range of applications in technology today:

  • Multi-user computing: Time-sharing enables multiple users to access and utilize a shared computer system simultaneously. This is typically employed in server environments, where numerous clients connect to a central server for accessing applications, data, and resources.

  • Resource efficiency: By dynamically allocating resources based on demand, time-sharing optimizes system utilization and reduces the cost of maintaining dedicated computing resources for each user or process. This is particularly beneficial in Cloud computing and distributed systems, where resources are pooled and allocated dynamically as needed.

  • Application virtualization: Time-sharing forms the foundation for application virtualization technologies, which enable multiple users to run different applications on a single shared system While maintaining isolation and security between each application instance.

  • Improved user experience: Time-sharing provides a responsive and interactive computing experience, allowing users to execute multiple tasks concurrently and switch between them seamlessly. This enhanced user experience is crucial in modern computing environments, where multitasking and concurrent usage are common.


The concept of time-sharing originated in the 1950s with the development of the Compatible Time-Sharing System (CTSS) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). CTSS was a groundbreaking Operating System that enabled up to 30 users to share a single IBM 7094 mainframe computer.

In the 1960s, time-sharing systems were further refined with the introduction of the Dartmouth Time-Sharing System (DTSS) and Multics. DTSS, developed at Dartmouth College, was the first time-sharing system to provide real-time interactive computing, enabling users to interact with the system directly through a terminal. Multics, a collaboration between MIT, General Electric, and Bell Labs, extended the capabilities of time-sharing by introducing hierarchical file systems, memory protection, and a multi-level security architecture.

Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, time-sharing became a fundamental component of operating systems and computing infrastructure. The development of personal computers and workstations in the 1980s led to the widespread adoption of time-sharing on smaller systems, further popularizing the concept. Today, time-sharing is an integral part of modern computing, enabling efficient resource utilization, multi-user environments, and the seamless execution of multiple tasks and applications.