Target Deduplication


Target Deduplication

Target Deduplication is a data storage technique that identifies and eliminates duplicate data blocks from a target storage system, improving storage efficiency and reducing backup time. It compares new data with existing data in the target storage system and only stores the unique portions, creating a single, updated version of the data.

What does Target Deduplication mean?

Target deduplication is a data storage optimization technique that identifies and eliminates duplicate data blocks within a storage system. It is a form of data deduplication that specifically focuses on the target storage device, typically a hard disk drive (HDD) or solid-state drive (SSD), where data is written.

Target deduplication works by comparing incoming data blocks against a repository of previously stored blocks. If an identical block is found, only a reference to the existing block is stored, rather than a duplicate copy. This process significantly reduces the amount of physical storage space required to store data, thereby increasing storage efficiency and reducing costs.

Target deduplication is particularly effective in scenarios where there is a high degree of data redundancy, such as in virtual machine (VM) environments, backup and recovery systems, and file servers. It can also improve performance by reducing the amount of time and resources required to read and write data.


Target deduplication is widely used in various technology applications due to its ability to optimize storage space and improve performance. Key applications include:

  • Virtualization: VMs often contain large amounts of duplicate data, such as operating systems and applications. Target deduplication can significantly reduce the storage footprint of VM environments, freeing up valuable space for other workloads.
  • Backup and recovery: Backup systems often store multiple copies of the same data over time. Target deduplication can eliminate duplicate data in backups, reducing storage requirements and improving backup performance.
  • File servers: File servers typically contain many shared files that can result in a high degree of redundancy. Target deduplication can optimize file storage by eliminating duplicate files, reducing storage costs and improving file Access speed.
  • Cloud Storage: Cloud storage providers offer deduplication as a cost-saving measure. It allows multiple users to store the same file only once, saving on storage costs and reducing bandwidth usage.


The concept of deduplication has been around for decades, with the first implementations dating back to the 1960s. However, target deduplication specifically emerged in the mid-2000s as a way to optimize storage efficiency in enterprise environments.

Early target deduplication solutions were hardware-based appliances that sat between the storage system and the server. These appliances performed real-time deduplication as data was written to the storage device.

Over time, target deduplication functionality was Integrated into storage controllers and software-defined storage (SDS) solutions. This made deduplication more accessible and allowed for greater flexibility and scalability.

Modern target deduplication solutions are highly sophisticated and offer a range of features, including variable-length deduplication, global deduplication across multiple storage systems, and inline data compression.