


Synchronous refers to processes or operations that occur at the same time or rate, often coordinated by a clock or timing signal. In computing, it describes systems where components work together in a synchronized manner, ensuring consistent timing and data flow.

What does Synchronous mean?

In computing, synchronous refers to the execution of tasks or events that occur at the same time or in a predetermined order. It ensures that operations are completed sequentially, one after another, without any overlap or interruption. The term “synchronous” is derived from the Greek word “syn,” meaning “together,” and “chronos,” meaning “time.”

Synchronous communication involves a direct and immediate exchange of data between two entities, typically a client and a server. The client sends a request to the server, which processes the request and returns a response. The client waits for the response before proceeding with further actions. This type of communication is often used in situations where the client requires an immediate response from the server, such as in online banking or real-time data processing.

Synchronous operations are commonly found in multithreaded programming, where multiple threads share a common memory space. When a thread performs a synchronous operation, it must wait until the operation is complete before another thread can access the shared memory. This Synchronization mechanism ensures that Data Integrity is maintained and that threads do not interfere with each other’s operations.


Synchronous communication and operations play a critical role in various technological applications, including:

Real-time systems: Synchronous communication is essential in systems that require immediate responses, such as online shopping, banking, and air traffic control. The system must receive and Process requests in real-time to ensure efficient operation and prevent delays or data loss.

Data integrity: Synchronous operations guarantee that data is accessed and updated in a controlled manner. By enforcing sequential execution, it prevents multiple threads or processes from accessing the same data simultaneously, reducing the risk of data corruption or inconsistencies.

Transaction management: In database systems, synchronous transactions ensure that all operations within a transaction are completed successfully before the transaction is committed to the database. This prevents data loss or partial updates in the event of system failures or errors.


The concept of synchronous communication and operations has been used in computing for decades. Early examples include:

Mainframe computers: Mainframes employed synchronous communication protocols to facilitate data transfer between terminals and the Central Processing Unit. These protocols ensured reliable and ordered data transmission, even over long distances.

Multitasking operating systems: Operating systems such as Unix and Linux introduced the concept of multithreading, where multiple threads could run concurrently. However, to prevent race conditions and data corruption, synchronization mechanisms were implemented to coordinate thread execution and access to shared resources.

Modern distributed systems: With the advent of cloud computing and distributed systems, synchronous communication has gained renewed importance for maintaining data Consistency and coordinating activities across multiple servers and services.