Stream Cipher


Stream Cipher

A stream cipher is a type of encryption that operates on a continuous stream of data, encrypting it bit by bit using a pseudo-random key generated by a keystream generator. Unlike block ciphers, stream ciphers do not encrypt data in fixed-size blocks, making them suitable for applications where real-time encryption and decryption are essential.

What does Stream Cipher Mean?

In Cryptography, a stream cipher is a symmetric-key cipher that processes data one bit or byte at a time, in contrast to a block cipher, which operates on blocks of data of a fixed size. Stream ciphers are often used for applications that require high throughput and low latency, such as secure communications and video encryption.

The encryption algorithm of a stream cipher is typically implemented as a pseudo-random generator (PRG). The key is used to initialize the PRG, which then generates a sequence of bits that are used to XOR (exclusive OR) the plaintext data. The resulting ciphertext is the XOR of the plaintext and the keystream.

Stream ciphers are designed to have a wide period, which is the number of bits that the PRG can generate before it repeats itself. The period of a stream cipher should be long enough to prevent an attacker from predicting the keystream.


Stream ciphers are used in a variety of applications, including:

  • Secure communications: Stream ciphers are used to encrypt data that is transmitted over a network or stored on a computer. This can include email, instant messaging, and other types of electronic communications.
  • Video encryption: Stream ciphers are used to encrypt video data that is transmitted over a network or stored on a computer. This can include streaming video, video conferencing, and other types of video applications.
  • Gambling: Stream ciphers are used to generate random numbers for gambling games. This can include slot machines, roulette, and other types of casino games.


The concept of stream ciphers was first proposed in the 1800s, but the first practical stream cipher was not developed until the early 1900s. In 1929, Vernam proposed a stream cipher that was known as the Vernam cipher or the one-time pad. The Vernam cipher is a perfect cipher, which means that it is impossible to break. However, the Vernam cipher is not practical to use because it requires a key that is as long as the plaintext data.

In the 1960s and 1970s, new stream ciphers were developed that were more practical to use. These stream ciphers included the RC4 cipher, the A5/1 cipher, and the E0 cipher. These stream ciphers are still used today in a variety of applications.

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, new stream ciphers were developed that are based on algebraic structures, such as finite fields and Galois rings. These stream ciphers include the Salsa20 cipher, the ChaCha20 cipher, and the Grain cipher. These stream ciphers are known for their high Speed and low power consumption, and they are often used in Resource-constrained devices, such as smart cards and embedded systems.