


.so is a file extension used for shared libraries in Linux and other Unix-like operating systems. These libraries contain pre-compiled code that can be reused by multiple programs, improving performance and saving memory.

What does .so mean?

In the realm of computing, ‘.so’ is a file extension that denotes a shared library, commonly referred to as a dynamic link library (DLL) or a shared object. A shared library is a reusable software Component that contains code and data that can be dynamically loaded and linked into a running Program. Essentially, it allows multiple programs to access and utilize the same code and data, promoting code reuse and memory conservation.

Shared libraries are often used to extend the functionality of an Application without the need to recompile the entire program. They enable developers to modularize their code into reusable components, simplifying maintenance and reducing the overall size of executables. Moreover, shared libraries can be updated independently of the main program, allowing for quick and efficient bug fixes and feature enhancements.

The ‘.so’ extension is primarily associated with Unix-like operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and BSD. In these environments, shared libraries are typically placed in specific directories, such as ‘/lib’ or ‘/usr/lib’, and referenced by the linker when Loading the main application.


Shared libraries play a crucial role in modern software development and are widely used for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Code Reuse: Shared libraries enable the sharing of common code and data among multiple programs, eliminating duplication and streamlining development.
  • Modularity: Software components can be organized into separate shared libraries, facilitating code maintenance and promoting code reuse across projects.
  • Platform Independence: Shared libraries can be compiled for different platforms, allowing applications to run on multiple operating systems without requiring recompilation.
  • Efficiency: Shared libraries reduce memory usage by allowing multiple programs to share the same code and data, optimizing resource utilization.
  • Dynamic Linking: Shared libraries can be loaded and linked into a running program dynamically, Enabling developers to add or remove functionality on the fly.


The concept of shared libraries originated in the early days of operating systems, with the first shared libraries appearing in the 1960s. However, it was not until the development of Unix in the 1970s that shared libraries gained widespread adoption.

In the early days of Unix, shared libraries were known as “dynamically loadable shared objects” and had a ‘.o’ extension. The ‘.so’ extension was introduced later to avoid conflicts with the ‘.o’ extension used for object files.

Over the years, shared libraries have evolved significantly, with advancements in operating systems and linker technologies. Today, shared libraries are an essential part of software development, providing flexibility, code reuse, and performance optimizations.