Service Advertising Protocol


Service Advertising Protocol

Service Advertising Protocol (SAP) is a network layer protocol used to advertise and discover services available on a network, enabling devices and applications to locate and connect to specific services without manual configuration.

What does Service Advertising Protocol mean?

Service Advertising Protocol (SAP) is a standard protocol used for advertising and discovering services in a network environment. It allows devices to announce the services they offer and enables other devices to search for and connect to those services. SAP is based on the IEEE 802.2 Logical Link Control (LLC) protocol and operates at the Data Link layer of the OSI model.

SAP works by broadcasting a service advertisement message onto the network. This message includes information about the service being offered, such as the service name, port Number, and protocol type. Devices that are interested in the service can then send a service request message to the advertising device. The advertising device will respond with a service response message that provides the necessary information for the requesting device to connect to the service.


Service Advertising Protocol is an essential protocol for enabling service discovery in a network environment. It is used in a wide Range of applications, including:

  • Network management: SAP is used by network management tools to discover and monitor network devices and services.
  • Service discovery: SAP allows applications to discover and connect to services provided by other devices on the network, such as printers, file servers, and web servers.
  • Dynamic service provisioning: SAP enables the Automatic provisioning of services in a network environment. When a new service is added to the network, it can automatically advertise its availability using SAP.


Service Advertising Protocol was originally developed by the Xerox Corporation in the early 1980s. It was initially used in Xerox’s Network Systems (NS) architecture. SAP was later adopted by the IEEE 802.1 LLC standard in 1985.

Over the years, SAP has been revised and updated to support new technologies and applications. The Current version of SAP is defined in IEEE Std 802.1aq-2012.