Segmentation Fault


Segmentation Fault

A segmentation fault is a runtime error that occurs when the program attempts to access or modify a memory location that is not within the authorized memory segment assigned to the program. This error typically indicates a programming error where the program is accessing memory that it should not be accessing, potentially leading to program crashes and data corruption.

Segmentation Fault

A segmentation fault is a type of error that occurs in memory management. It happens when a program tries to access a memory location that it is not allowed to. Memory is divided into segments, and each segment has specific permissions that determine what kind of access is allowed. If a program tries to access a memory location in a segment that it does not have permission to access, the operating system will generate a segmentation fault.

Segmentation faults can be caused by a variety of errors, such as:

  • Buffer overflow: When a program writes more data to a buffer than the buffer can hold, the excess data can overflow into adjacent memory locations. This can lead to a segmentation fault if the adjacent memory locations are not accessible to the program.
  • Invalid pointer: When a program uses a pointer that does not point to a valid memory location, the program may attempt to access invalid memory. This can lead to a segmentation fault.
  • Double free: When a program frees a memory location more than once, the operating system may generate a segmentation fault.

Segmentation faults can be difficult to debug because they can be caused by a variety of errors. However, there are a few general techniques that can be used to debug segmentation faults:

  • Check the Code for buffer overflows. Buffer overflows can be caused by a variety of errors, such as incorrect array indexing or incorrect use of String functions.
  • Check the code for invalid pointers. Invalid pointers can be caused by a variety of errors, such as incorrect pointer arithmetic or incorrect use of memory allocation functions.
  • Use a debugger. A debugger can help you to step through the code and identify the location of the segmentation fault.


Segmentation faults are important in technology today because they can help to prevent programs from crashing. By detecting and handling segmentation faults, the operating system can prevent programs from accessing invalid memory locations and causing damage to the system.

Segmentation faults are also used in a variety of other applications, such as:

  • Memory protection: Segmentation faults can be used to protect memory from unauthorized access. By dividing memory into segments and assigning different permissions to each segment, the operating system can prevent programs from accessing memory that they are not allowed to access.
  • Memory debugging: Segmentation faults can be used to debug memory errors. By generating a segmentation fault when a program tries to access invalid memory, the operating system can help the programmer to identify the location of the error.


The concept of segmentation was first introduced in the Multics operating system in the 1960s. Multics used segmentation to protect memory from unauthorized access and to improve performance.

Segmentation was later adopted by other operating systems, such as Unix and Windows. In UNIX, segmentation was used to implement virtual memory. In Windows, segmentation was used to implement protected Mode.

Today, segmentation is still used in a variety of operating systems and applications. It is an important tool for memory management and security.