Search Algorithm


Search Algorithm

A search algorithm is a set of instructions that a computer follows to search for a specific piece of information within a larger dataset, using specific parameters to determine the relevance of the results. It organizes and ranks the results based on factors like keyword matching, content relevance, and user preferences.

What does Search Algorithm mean?

A search algorithm is a systematic approach to finding a target element within a data structure. It takes an Input, typically a data structure such as an array or graph, and a search key, and returns the location of the target element if it exists or indicates that the element is not found.

Search algorithms are fundamental to computer science and are used in a wide range of applications, including databases, information retrieval, artificial intelligence, and optimization. The efficiency of a search algorithm is measured by its Time Complexity, which describes the number of operations required to find the target element as a function of the size of the data structure.

There are many different search algorithms, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Some of the most common search algorithms include:

  • Linear search: The simplest search algorithm, which compares the search key to each element of the data structure in turn until the target element is found or the end of the data structure is reached.
  • Binary search: A more efficient search algorithm that works on sorted data structures. It repeatedly divides the data structure in half and compares the search key to the middle element.
  • Hashing: A search algorithm that uses a hash function to map the search key to a unique location in the data structure. This allows the target element to be found in constant time, but requires that the data structure be resized if it becomes too full.
  • Tree search: A search algorithm that uses a tree data structure to organize the elements of the data structure. The search key is compared to the Root node of the tree, and the search continues in the left or right subtree based on the result of the comparison.


Search algorithms are used in a wide range of applications, including:

  • Databases: Search algorithms are used to find records in databases based on specified criteria. This is essential for managing large databases and retrieving data quickly and efficiently.
  • Information retrieval: Search algorithms are used to find documents or websites that are relevant to a user’s query. This is essential for search engines and other information retrieval systems.
  • Artificial intelligence: Search algorithms are used to find solutions to problems or make decisions in artificial intelligence systems. This is essential for tasks such as game playing, planning, and scheduling.
  • Optimization: Search algorithms are used to find optimal solutions to problems. This is essential for tasks such as Routing, scheduling, and resource allocation.


The first search algorithm was developed by Maurice Wilkes in 1945. This algorithm, known as linear search, is the simplest search algorithm and works by comparing the search key to each element of the data structure in turn.

In 1957, John Backus developed binary search, a more efficient search algorithm that works on sorted data structures. Binary search repeatedly divides the data structure in half and compares the search key to the middle element.

In 1959, Robert Morris developed hashing, a search algorithm that uses a hash function to map the search key to a unique location in the data structure. This allows the target element to be found in constant time, but requires that the data structure be resized if it becomes too full.

In 1970, Donald Knuth developed tree search, a search algorithm that uses a tree data structure to organize the elements of the data structure. The search key is compared to the root node of the tree, and the search continues in the left or right subtree based on the result of the comparison.

Search algorithms have continued to develop since then, and new search algorithms are being developed all the time. Today, search algorithms are essential for a wide range of applications and are a fundamental part of computer science