


A resistor is an electrical component that limits the flow of current in a circuit, acting as an obstacle to the movement of electrons. It converts electrical energy into heat energy, opposing the passage of electric current.

What does Resistor mean?

A resistor is a passive electronic Component that impedes the flow of electric current. It is typically made of a material with high electrical resistance, such as carbon, metal, or ceramic. Resistors are used to control the current flow in circuits and to provide voltage division.

The resistance of a resistor is measured in ohms (Ω). The higher the resistance, the more it impedes the flow of current. Resistors are available in a wide Range of resistance values, from milliohms (mΩ) to megohms (MΩ).

Resistors come in a variety of shapes and sizes. The most common type of resistor is the axial resistor, which has two leads that extend from the body of the resistor. Other types of resistors include surface mount resistors, which are designed to be mounted on printed circuit boards, and power resistors, which are designed to handle high levels of power.


Resistors are used in a wide variety of electronic applications. Some of the most common applications include:

  • Current limiting: Resistors can be used to limit the flow of current in a circuit. This is important for protecting sensitive components from damage.
  • Voltage division: Resistors can be used to divide the voltage in a circuit. This is useful for creating voltage references or for biasing transistors.
  • Filtering: Resistors can be used to Filter out unwanted frequencies from a Signal. This is useful for removing Noise or for creating smooth waveforms.
  • Timing: Resistors can be used to create timing circuits. This is useful for creating delays or for generating pulses.


The first resistors were developed in the early 19th century. These resistors were made of metal wire or carbon rods. In the late 19th century, the first carbon composition resistors were developed. These resistors were more stable and reliable than previous types of resistors.

In the early 20th century, the first metal film resistors were developed. These resistors were even more stable and reliable than carbon composition resistors. Today, metal film resistors are the most common type of resistor used in electronic circuits.