


Protected refers to a data access control modifier in object-oriented programming that allows subclasses to access inherited members but restricts access from other classes. It provides a level of encapsulation between classes, fostering code reusability and security.

What does Protected mean?

“Protected” is an Access modifier used in object-oriented programming languages to control access to classes, methods, or fields. It specifies that the protected members of a class can only be accessed by the class itself, its subclasses, and any classes in the same package.

Protected access is less restrictive than private access (which restricts access to the class itself) but more restrictive than public access (which allows access from any class). It allows subclasses to access and modify protected members, enabling code reuse and Inheritance.

Utilizing protected access ensures encapsulation, ensuring that sensitive or critical members of a class are not directly accessible from outside the class or its trusted subclasses. It also promotes flexibility by allowing subclasses to extend the functionality of the parent class while maintaining Data [Integrity](


Protected access is extensively used in Object-Oriented Design to achieve:

  • Inheritance: Subclasses can inherit and use protected members of the parent class, extending and customizing its functionality.
  • Encapsulation: Protected members are accessible within the class hierarchy, preventing unauthorized access from external classes.
  • Code Reusability: Protected members can be shared among related subclasses, reducing code duplication and promoting maintainability.
  • Extensibility: Protected access enables subclasses to modify and enhance the functionality of the parent class, supporting future requirements and modifications.


The concept of protected access originated in the Simula programming language, developed in the 1960s. Simula introduced the concept of classes and objects, along with access modifiers including protected and private.

Since then, protected access has become a fundamental feature of many object-oriented programming languages, including Java, C++, C#, and Python. It plays a crucial role in structuring and managing code, promoting encapsulation, inheritance, and code reuse.