Prompt-Based Learning


Prompt-Based Learning

Prompt-Based Learning is a machine learning technique where a model is trained on a dataset of text prompts and their corresponding outputs, enabling it to generate new outputs based on novel prompts.

What does Prompt-Based Learning mean?

Prompt-Based Learning (PBL) is a training paradigm for AI language models that involves providing a prompt, or text-based instruction, to guide the model’s response. The prompt specifies the desired output, often in the form of a question, instruction, or specific Task. The model then generates a response based on the information provided in the prompt and its Internal linguistic Knowledge.

PBL allows for fine-tuning and customization of AI responses, as the prompt can BE tailored to the specific context or task at hand. By providing explicit instructions, developers can guide the model toward generating desired outputs, improving the accuracy, relevance, and coherence of the generated text.


PBL has gained prominence in natural language processing (NLP) tasks, where it has demonstrated significant benefits:

  • Personalization: PBL enables AI models to generate personalized responses based on user inputs. For example, it can be used in chatbots or virtual assistants to tailor responses to individual preferences or knowledge.
  • Task-Specific Tuning: PBL allows developers to fine-tune models for specific tasks or domains. By providing task-specific prompts, models can be optimized to perform well on specific objectives, such as generating summaries, translating languages, or answering questions.
  • Creativity and Imagination: PBL fosters creativity by giving models the freedom to explore different possibilities within the constraints of the prompt. This allows for the generation of novel and imaginative responses, fueling applications Like story writing, poetry generation, or image captioning.


The origins of PBL can be traced back to early work on neural language models (NLMs). In the 1990s, NLMs were trained on large corpora of text, but their responses were often generic and lacked context-awareness.

The advent of transformer-based language models, such as BERT and GPT-3, brought about a significant breakthrough. These models exhibit a strong ability to comprehend and generate human-like text. PBL emerged as a complementary approach to training these models, providing a way to direct and control their responses through explicit prompts.

PBL has since been widely adopted in NLP research and industry applications, as it offers a flexible and effective mechanism for tailoring AI responses to specific requirements.