


A pop-up is an unsolicited window that appears on a computer screen, typically displaying an advertisement or other unwanted content. Pop-ups can be annoying and disrupt the user experience by obscuring the content of the website or application being used.

What does Pop-Up mean?

A pop-up is a graphical User Interface (GUI) element that appears on a website, app, or operating system without being explicitly requested. It typically consists of a small window that overlays the main content of the screen and contains additional information or functionality. Pop-ups can vary widely in size, shape, and content, and they can be triggered by various user actions, such as clicking a link, hovering over a specific area on the screen, or receiving a notification.

Pop-ups are often used to provide additional information, such as a glossary definition, a product description, or a confirmation message. They can also be used to collect user input, such as login Credentials, Email addresses, or survey responses. In some cases, pop-ups are used to display advertising or promotional content.

While pop-ups can be useful for providing additional information or functionality, they can also be annoying or disruptive, especially if they appear frequently or in an unexpected manner. As a result, some users disable pop-ups in their web browsers or operating systems, while others install software that blocks pop-ups.


Pop-ups are used in a wide variety of applications today, including:

  • Web browsing: Pop-ups are commonly used to display additional information about a website or to collect user input. For example, a pop-up might appear when you click on a link to a glossary definition or when you add an item to your shopping cart.
  • Apps: Pop-ups are also used in apps to provide additional information or functionality. For example, a pop-up might appear when you tap on a button to view a menu or when you receive a notification.
  • Operating systems: Pop-ups are also used in operating systems to display system messages, notifications, or alerts. For example, a pop-up might appear when you connect a new device to your Computer or when you receive a software update.


The first pop-up was created in 1998 by Ethan Zuckerman, a former MIT researcher. Zuckerman developed a JavaScript library called PopUpAd that allowed website owners to display pop-up ads on their sites. Pop-ups quickly became a popular way to display advertising, but they also became a nuisance for users.

In the early 2000s, several major web browsers, including Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox, began to Block pop-ups by default. This made pop-ups less effective for advertising, but they continued to be used for other purposes, such as providing additional information or collecting user input.

Today, pop-ups are still used in a variety of applications, but they are less common than they were in the past. This is due in part to the fact that many users now disable pop-ups in their web browsers or operating systems.