


Permissions determine who can access and modify data and resources in a computer system, protecting sensitive information and ensuring the proper functioning of applications. They specify the actions (e.g., read, write, execute) that specific users or groups are allowed to perform on specific files, folders, or other system objects.

What does Permissions mean?

In the context of technology, permissions refer to a set of rules that determine who has access to data, resources, or functionality within a system. These rules define the level of control that users or groups have over specific actions or operations. Permissions are essential for maintaining order, security, and privacy in software systems and online environments.

Permissions establish a hierarchical structure that governs who is authorized to perform certain tasks or view certain information. By assigning permissions to Different entities, system administrators can enforce fine-grained control over data and resources. Permissions can be granted explicitly or implicitly, depending on the context and the underlying security model of the system.

Permissions are typically implemented using access control lists (ACLs), which are data structures that map entities to specific permissions. ACLs allow for granular control over access rights, enabling administrators to tailor permissions based on individual user roles, group memberships, or other criteria.


Permissions play a crucial role in various technology applications, including:

  • Operating Systems: Permissions control user access to files, folders, and system resources in operating systems. This prevents unauthorized users from modifying or deleting critical files and ensures system stability.
  • Databases: Permissions grant users access to specific tables, views, and procedures in database systems. This prevents data breaches and ensures that users only have access to the information they require for their tasks.
  • Web Applications: Permissions control user access to web pages, features, and functionality within web applications. This ensures that users can only interact with the portions of the application that are relevant to their roles and prevents unauthorized access to sensitive areas.
  • Social Media: Permissions determine who can view, interact with, and share user content on social media platforms. This helps users manage their privacy and control who has access to their personal information.
  • Cloud Computing: Permissions control user access to cloud resources, such as virtual machines, storage buckets, and network configurations. This ensures that users only have access to the resources they need for their specific roles and helps prevent resource misuse.


The concept of permissions has a long history in computer science, dating back to the early days of multi-user operating systems. In the 1960s, the Multics Operating system introduced the concept of access control lists (ACLs) to manage user permissions for files and directories.

In the 1970s, the UNIX operating system adopted and expanded the use of ACLs, providing a more flexible and granular approach to access control. UNIX permissions allowed administrators to Assign specific permissions (such as read, write, and execute) to individual users and groups.

Over the years, permissions have become an integral part of modern operating systems, database systems, web applications, and other software technologies. The development of Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) models further enhanced the flexibility and manageability of permissions, allowing administrators to assign permissions based on user roles and responsibilities.