Page Fault


Page Fault

A page fault occurs when a computer program accesses memory that is not currently loaded into physical memory, requiring the operating system to retrieve the page from disk or other storage. This can cause a temporary delay while the data is being retrieved, leading to a noticeable slowdown in performance.

What does Page Fault mean?

A page fault occurs when a computer’s CPU attempts to Access data from Memory that is not currently loaded into RAM. This can happen for a number of reasons, such as when the data is on a different page of memory than the one currently being accessed, or when the data has been moved to a different location in memory. When a page fault occurs, the CPU must stop what it is doing and load the data from memory into RAM before it can continue. This can cause a significant performance slowdown, especially if the data is large or if the memory is slow.

Page faults are an important part of the virtual memory system used by most modern computers. Virtual memory allows the computer to access more memory than it actually has by using a combination of RAM and Hard Disk space. When a page fault occurs, the data that is needed is loaded into RAM from the hard disk. This can be a slower process than accessing data from RAM, but it allows the computer to run more programs and use more data than it would be able to if it only had RAM.


Page faults are an essential part of the virtual memory system used by most modern computers. Virtual memory allows the computer to access more memory than it actually has by using a combination of RAM and hard disk space. Page faults are important for a number of reasons:

  • They allow the computer to run more programs and use more data than it would be able to if it only had RAM. This is because virtual memory allows the computer to store data that is not currently being used on the hard disk, freeing up RAM for other programs.
  • They help to improve the performance of the computer. By loading data into RAM from the hard disk only when it is needed, page faults help to reduce the amount of time that the CPU spends waiting for data.
  • They can help to prevent the computer from crashing. If the computer tries to access data that is not in RAM, it can cause a crash. Page faults help to prevent this by loading the data into RAM before it is accessed.


The concept of page faults was first introduced in the 1960s, when computer scientists began to develop virtual memory systems. The first virtual memory systems were very simple, and they only allowed a single Program to be run at a time. As virtual memory systems became more sophisticated, they were able to support multiple programs running at the same time. This led to the development of page faults, which were necessary to manage the allocation of memory to different programs.

Page faults have continued to be an important part of virtual memory systems ever since. They are essential for the efficient operation of modern computers, and they have helped to make virtual memory systems one of the most important technologies in computing.