OSS Notes


OSS Notes

OSS Notes are vendor-created manifests that list the open source software (OSS) components used in a software product, along with their license and security details. They provide customers with transparency and control over the OSS they deploy.

What does OSS Notes mean?

OSS Notes, or Open Source Software Notes, are a type of software repository that stores metadata and provenance information about open source software (OSS) components used in a software system. Unlike traditional package managers, which focus on managing the distribution and updates of software packages, OSS Notes provides information about the Copyright, license, and security vulnerabilities associated with OSS components. This information is essential for organizations to understand the legal and security implications of using OSS in their systems.

OSS Notes leverages a decentralized approach, relying on a Network of independent note writers to contribute and maintain metadata. Note writers are experts in specific OSS projects or domains, ensuring the accuracy and quality of the information provided. The notes are organized into a structured format, making it easy for consumers to parse and analyze the data in Downstream tools and processes.


OSS Notes plays a crucial role in several key areas of software development:

  • Compliance: By providing detailed license and copyright information, OSS Notes helps organizations comply with open source licensing requirements. This is essential for avoiding legal issues related to unauthorized use of copyrighted software.
  • Security: OSS Notes provides a central hub for security advisories and Vulnerability disclosures related to OSS components. This enables organizations to quickly identify and address potential security risks in their software systems.
  • Decision-making: The metadata in OSS Notes helps developers make informed decisions about which OSS components to use in their projects. By comparing licenses, dependencies, and known issues, developers can choose components that align with their business and technical requirements.
  • Innovation: OSS Notes fosters collaboration and knowledge sharing within the open source community. By documenting best practices and lessons learned, note writers contribute to the overall improvement of the OSS ecosystem.


The concept of OSS Notes emerged in the early 2000s as the use of OSS in commercial software grew exponentially. Organizations faced challenges in managing and understanding the legal and security implications of using OSS components, leading to the development of tools and initiatives to address these concerns.

In 2015, the Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF) launched the OSS Notes project as part of its broader mission to improve the security of open source software. The project brought together a diverse group of experts from industry, academia, and the open source community to develop a standardized format and repository for OSS metadata.

Since its inception, OSS Notes has gained widespread adoption within the technology industry. Major software vendors, cloud providers, and open source projects have integrated OSS Notes into their development pipelines to enhance compliance, security, and decision-making processes.