Operational Analytics


Operational Analytics

Operational analytics utilizes real-time data to monitor business activities, enabling rapid decision-making, process optimization, and enhanced operational efficiency. Through real-time insights, organizations can quickly respond to changes, improve decision quality, and drive continuous improvement.

What does Operational Analytics mean?

Operational analytics is a subset of business intelligence that focuses on providing Real-Time Data to decision-makers within an organization. It is designed to help businesses improve their operational efficiency and performance by providing insights into how their processes are performing. Operational analytics can be used to track key performance indicators (KPIs), identify trends, and predict future performance.

Typically, operational analytics is used to monitor and improve day-to-day operations. It can be used to track things like customer satisfaction, inventory levels, and production output. By understanding how these factors are performing, businesses can make better decisions about how to allocate resources and improve efficiency.


Operational analytics is used in a Variety of applications, including:

  • Customer relationship management (CRM): Operational analytics can help businesses understand their customers’ needs and preferences. This information can be used to improve customer service, up-sell and cross-sell products, and target marketing campaigns. By tracking customer behavior, businesses can identify opportunities to improve the customer experience and build lasting relationships.
  • Supply chain management (SCM): Operational analytics can help businesses optimize their supply chains and reduce costs. By tracking inventory levels and supplier performance, businesses can identify inefficiencies and make better decisions about how to manage their supply chains. The data from operational analytics can be used to improve inventory management, reduce Lead times, and improve supplier relationships.
  • Manufacturing: Operational analytics can help businesses improve their manufacturing processes and increase productivity. By tracking production output and quality data, businesses can identify bottlenecks and make improvements to their processes. This data can be used to optimize production schedules, improve quality control, and reduce downtime.
  • Healthcare: Operational analytics can help healthcare providers improve patient care and reduce costs. By tracking patient data and outcomes, healthcare providers can identify trends and make better decisions about how to provide care. This data can be used to improve patient outcomes, reduce costs, and improve the overall quality of care.


The concept of operational analytics has been around for decades, but it has only recently gained widespread adoption due to advances in technology. The first operational analytics tools were developed in the 1980s, but they were limited in their capabilities. As technology has improved, operational analytics tools have become more sophisticated and easier to use.

Today, operational analytics is a key part of many businesses’ decision-making processes. It provides businesses with the real-time data they need to make better decisions and improve their performance.