


Objective-C is a high-level, general-purpose programming language that is a superset of C. It is primarily used to develop applications for Apple’s macOS and iOS operating systems.

What does Objective-C mean?

Objective-C is a programming language that combines the power of C with Object-oriented programming concepts. It was developed by Brad Cox in the early 1980s and has since been widely adopted for developing applications on macOS and IOS.

At the heart of Objective-C lies its seamless integration of object-oriented programming principles with the robust capabilities of the C programming language. This unique blend empowers developers to create highly efficient and sophisticated Software solutions.

Objective-C inherits the low-level system access and high performance of C, allowing developers to interact directly with the underlying hardware and operating system. Simultaneously, it introduces object-oriented concepts like classes, objects, inheritance, and Polymorphism, enabling the creation of reusable and maintainable code.


Objective-C is a cornerstone of Apple’s development ecosystem, serving as the primary language for building applications on macOS and iOS. Its significance stems from the fact that it is the native language of these platforms, providing unparalleled access to the underlying frameworks and APIs.

Developers harness Objective-C to create a wide array of applications, including native macOS and iOS apps, games, productivity tools, and multimedia software. Its popularity among developers is attributed to its ability to produce high-performance, visually appealing, and user-friendly applications.

Beyond Apple’s ecosystem, Objective-C has also been employed in other domains, such as embedded systems programming and developing cross-platform applications using frameworks like GNUstep and CocoaPods.


Objective-C emerged in the early 1980s as a brainchild of Brad Cox, who conceived it as an extension to the C programming language. Cox aimed to introduce object-oriented programming concepts into C while preserving its efficiency and low-level control.

The initial version of Objective-C, known as Objective-C 1.0, was released in 1984. Subsequent versions introduced significant enhancements, including Objective-C 2.0 in 1988, Which added support for inheritance and dynamic binding, and Objective-C 2.5 in 1992, which introduced the Foundation framework.

Apple’s acquisition of NeXT in 1997 marked a pivotal moment in Objective-C’s history. Apple integrated Objective-C into its Cocoa framework, which became the foundation for macOS development. With the advent of iOS in 2007, Objective-C became the de facto choice for developing native iOS applications as well.

Over the years, Objective-C has undergone continued evolution, with the most recent version being Objective-C 2.0, released in 2011. It remains a widely used language, particularly in the Apple development community, and continues to play a vital role in shaping the landscape of software development.