


Multithreading is a technique where a single program is divided into multiple threads, allowing each thread to run concurrently on different processor cores, improving overall performance and responsiveness of a computer system.

What does Multithreaded mean?

Multithreading is a computing concept that involves dividing a program into smaller, independent units called threads. These threads run concurrently, sharing the same memory space and resources. Unlike processes, which are completely separate entities, threads can communicate and cooperate directly, making them ideal for tasks that require parallel processing.

Multithreading offers several key benefits:

  • Improved Performance: By dividing a program into multiple threads, it can take advantage of multiple processor cores or CPUs, leading to faster execution.
  • Increased efficiency: Threads can share data and resources without the overhead of creating and managing separate processes.
  • Responsive interfaces: In graphical user interfaces (GUIs), multithreading allows the UI to remain responsive even when performing complex tasks in the background.


Multithreading is widely used in various technological applications, including:

  • Operating systems: Modern operating systems heavily rely on multithreading to manage multiple tasks and processes concurrently.
  • Web browsers: Multithreading enables browsers to Load multiple web pages and execute scripts in parallel, improving browsing speed and overall experience.
  • Video games: Multithreading is essential for creating immersive and responsive gaming environments, allowing for smooth animations, AI calculations, and physics simulations.
  • Scientific simulations: Multithreaded applications can harness the power of multiple processors to perform complex scientific simulations, such as weather forecasting and fluid dynamics.


The concept of multithreading emerged in the early 1960s with the development of the Burroughs B5000 computer. However, it was not until the 1990s that multithreading gained widespread adoption with the introduction of multi-core processors.

Significant milestones in the development of multithreading include:

  • 1969: The MIT Multics operating system implemented the first practical multithreaded kernel.
  • 1989: The Intel i860 microprocessor featured a dedicated hardware thread scheduler.
  • 1995: Java introduced built-in support for multithreading through its Thread class.
  • 2000s: Multi-core processors became mainstream, revolutionizing the potential for multithreaded applications.