


.mm is a file extension indicating a compressed audio file, commonly used for multimedia purposes. It employs the Multimedia Container format, containing both audio and video data, ensuring efficient storage and transmission.

What does .mm mean?

.mm is a file extension associated with Objective-C++, a programming language used primarily for developing macOS and iOS applications. It is a superset of Objective-C, offering additional features and capabilities.

Objective-C++ combines the object-oriented capabilities of Objective-C with the power of C++, allowing developers to leverage both languages’ strengths. C++’s extensive library support, high performance, and low-level control make it suitable for complex tasks, while Objective-C’s ease of use and dynamic features simplify user interface development and object management.

Files with the .mm extension contain source Code written in Objective-C++. They include both Objective-C and C++ code, which can coexist and interact within the same file. The .mm extension indicates to the compiler that the file contains both Objective-C and C++ code, enabling it to interpret and compile the file appropriately.


.mm is crucial in technology today due to its widespread use in macOS and iOS development. It enables the creation of high-performance and feature-rich applications that take advantage of both Objective-C and C++ capabilities.

Key applications of .mm include:

  • macOS Applications: Objective-C++ is extensively used to develop native macOS applications that interact with the operating System, utilizing frameworks like Cocoa and Core Foundation.
  • iOS Applications: .mm files are essential for creating iOS applications that run on iPhones, iPads, and other Apple devices, utilizing frameworks like UIKit and Core Data.
  • Game Development: Objective-C++ is widely employed in game development for its performance and efficiency, allowing developers to create immersive and interactive games.
  • Cross-Platform Development: Objective-C++ enables the development of applications that can run on multiple platforms, such as macOS, iOS, and Linux, by leveraging frameworks like Xamarin and Qt.
  • Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence: Objective-C++ finds applications in machine learning and AI due to its C++ integration, which provides access to libraries like TensorFlow and PyTorch.


Objective-C++ emerged in the late 1980s as a collaboration between Brad Cox and Tom Love. It was initially developed as an extension to Objective-C, adding support for C++ features such as multiple inheritance, templates, and exception handling.

In 1996, Apple acquired the rights to Objective-C++ and integrated it into its development tools. Since then, it has become the primary language for developing macOS and iOS applications, with significant contributions from the open-source community.

Over the years, Objective-C++ has undergone several enhancements and updates. Apple has introduced new features, such as ARC (Automatic Reference Counting) and blocks, to improve Memory management and simplify code. Additionally, third-party libraries and frameworks have expanded Objective-C++’s capabilities and extended its use in various domains.