Message Board


Message Board

A message board is an online forum where users can post messages and engage in discussions with others on specific topics or interests. It allows for asynchronous communication and can foster community building and information sharing.

What does Message Board mean?

A message board, also known as a forum or discussion board, is a website or online platform that allows users to Post and respond to threaded discussions. It serves as a Virtual space where people can exchange ideas, share knowledge, and engage in conversations on various topics.

Message boards typically feature a hierarchical structure, with sub-forums dedicated to specific themes or categories. Users create threads by posting initial messages, and others can respond with Follow-up posts, creating a chronological discussion.

The content posted on message boards can range from technical support questions to personal experiences, hobby discussions, and debates on current events. They provide a platform for individuals to connect with like-minded people, learn from each other, and participate in online communities.


Message boards play a vital role in technology today by facilitating communication and fostering collaboration within online communities. They offer several key applications:

  • Knowledge Sharing: Message boards serve as hubs for sharing knowledge and expertise. Users can post questions and receive answers from others with relevant experience, creating a valuable resource for problem-solving and learning.

  • Community Building: Message boards promote a sense of community by connecting individuals with shared interests. They provide a space for people to engage in discussions, forge relationships, and develop a sense of belonging.

  • Customer Support: Many companies and organizations use message boards as a platform for providing technical support to their customers. Users can post questions, report issues, and receive assistance from company representatives or fellow users.

  • Feedback and Research: Message boards can be a valuable tool for gathering feedback from users. Organizations can use them to conduct market research, gauge public opinion, and collect Data for product development.


The Concept of message boards can be traced back to the early days of the internet. In 1989, the Usenet (User Network) emerged as a global discussion system accessible through newsreader software. Usenet consisted of thousands of newsgroups, each dedicated to a specific topic.

In the mid-1990s, web-based message boards gained popularity as a more user-friendly alternative to Usenet. Early examples include Delphi Forums (1990) and WebEx (1995). These platforms allowed users to create and participate in discussions directly from their web browsers.

Over the years, message boards have evolved into sophisticated platforms with advanced features such as user profiles, private messaging, and moderation tools. They have become an integral part of the internet ecosystem, providing a valuable medium for communication, collaboration, and community building.