Light Pen


Light Pen

A light pen is an input device that uses a light-sensitive detector to detect the position of a light source on a computer display, allowing users to interact with graphical interfaces by pointing and clicking.

What does Light Pen mean?

A Light Pen is a computer input device that resembles a pen and uses a light-sensitive detector to interact with a computer display. It enables users to point to and select items on the screen by pressing a button on the pen while it is pointed at the desired location.

The Light Pen works by emitting a beam of light that is detected by sensors embedded in the computer monitor. When the pen is pressed, the light beam is interrupted, sending a Signal to the computer that indicates the position of the pen on the screen.

Light Pens were initially developed in the early 1950s and were primarily used for graphical user interfaces (GUIs). They provided a more intuitive and user-friendly way to interact with computers, especially for drawing and selecting objects. However, with the advent of touchscreens and other input devices, Light Pens have become less common in Recent years.


Light Pens have various applications in technology, including:

  • Graphics and Design: Light Pens were initially used in graphic design and engineering applications for drawing and editing images directly on the computer screen. This allowed designers to work more efficiently and precisely.
  • Education: Light Pens were also utilized in educational settings, particularly for interactive lessons and presentations. Teachers could use them to highlight specific areas on the screen and engage students in interactive activities.
  • Medical Imaging: In the medical field, Light Pens have been employed for medical imaging applications. Surgeons and radiologists could use them to annotate and highlight areas of interest on medical scans and images.

While Light Pens are not as widely used today, they still hold some niche applications in specific industries and environments.


The concept of a Light Pen originated in the 1940s with the development of cathode-ray tube (CRT) displays. The first known Light Pen was created by Jay T. Walker in 1955 while working at IBM. Walker’s Light Pen used a photomultiplier tube to detect light emitted from the CRT screen.

In the following years, several other researchers and Companies developed improved versions of the Light Pen. In 1960, RCA introduced the Light Pen 1, which was a Commercial success and helped popularize the use of Light Pens in computer systems.

During the 1960s and 1970s, Light Pens were widely used in conjunction with mainframe computers and minicomputers for interactive graphics applications. However, with the rise of personal computers and graphical user interfaces, Light Pens gradually declined in popularity. Today, they are primarily used in specialized applications or for legacy systems.