Lasagna Code


Lasagna Code

Lasagna Code refers to a layered software architecture with distinct modules stacked upon each other like the layers of a lasagna, allowing for easy modifications and maintenance. It promotes modularity and code reuse by separating concerns into well-defined layers.

What does Lasagna Code mean?

Lasagna Code is a term used to describe software code that has been layered on Top of existing code, often in an unstructured or unplanned way. This can lead to code that is difficult to understand, maintain, and debug. The term is derived from the Italian dish lasagna, which is known for its multiple layers.

In Software engineering, lasagna code typically occurs when new features are added to a codebase without refactoring the existing code to accommodate them. This can lead to a situation where the code is no longer organized in a logical way, and it can be difficult to understand how different parts of the code interact.

Lasagna code can also occur when different developers work on the same codebase without coordinating their efforts. This can lead to inconsistencies in the code style, as well as duplication of functionality.


Lasagna code is often used in Legacy systems that have been in development for many years. In these systems, it can be difficult to make changes to the code without breaking other parts of the system. As a result, developers may be tempted to add new features by layering them on top of the existing code, rather than refactoring the code to accommodate them.

Lasagna code can also be used in rapidly changing environments, where there is a need to add new features quickly. In these environments, developers may not have the time to refactor the existing code, and they may simply add new features on top of the existing codebase.


The term lasagna code was first coined in the early 1990s. It is believed to have been first used by a software developer named Michael Feathers. Feathers used the term to describe code that was difficult to understand and maintain.

The term lasagna code has since become widely used in the software engineering community. It is now used to describe any codebase that has become disorganized and difficult to understand.